Friday, March 20, 2009

The President makes a retard joke

You know why he said it? Because retards are funny. I know because my whole family is retarded, so save your emails.


Dirty Disher said...

Except my girls, Lissa and Casey. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the rest of my family is retarded. I'm not even joking..I think they are.

Dirty Disher said...

OH! That was weird. I'm leaving them both on.

Anonymous said...

If Bush had said that people would be up-in-arms calling him heartless.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that brilliant observation about Bush. Hadn't heard that one yet today.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Crabbie's post (gasp) lol, political correctness has reach a ridiclious level in our society. Anyone with half a brain knows that Obama wasn't putting anyone down or making fun of people with disabilities, he was infact making light of his own ineptness.

There are days i swear if i was being monitored they'd make room for me on the short bus.

Dirty Disher said...

I feel like I live in the mofo short bus.

Anonymous said...

I call people retarded all the time but don't spare myself when I deserve it.

Watch the media blow this out of proportion to make some money.

Major Majormajor said...

Is this going to become "Tropic Thunder Gate?"
I think "Retard, please!" should become the new "Bitch, please!"

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you posted it twice because I had to watch both of them before I caught the special olympics reference. What a monumental overreaction.

Anon 2:44 if Bush had said it I think it would have been posted all over the net as proof that he admitted to being a retard. Someone would probably sample it and make a rap song, which I would definitely buy. *Going off to look for Bush clips to be taken out of context indicating retardedness*

Anonymous said...

Every time Bush opened his trap he made fun of retards...Oh! you mean he wasn't PRETENDING to be one...

Anonymous said...

You havee to be reatrded to want Obama in office. i gave him a chance (yes, I voted for his "fiscal responsibility" promise). I am a CPA, and not ignorant about debt and compound interest. This economy mess is his making. Not reading the Stimulus bill because of the urgency, and then not signing it for four days without chance for debate was a mistake.

Anonymous said...

yes, he has spent more money during his short term than Bush did in eight years fighting two wars and dealing with national disasters.

Anonymous said...

If any of you had a child that was mentally retarded I doubt you would be making the "jokes" that you are.

Anonymous said...

I'm telling you, I have retards in my family. I still think it's funny.

Anonymous said...

It was funny, still is, and you all know it was never meant to be offensive either.

Ok so you can't ever say to someone, that was retarded, or your retarded. So why is that word any different then say fat or stupid? Cause if 5:25 trys to tell me they have never called a person directly or indirectly at their actions, fat or stupid i'd have to use the L word. Liar.

Anonymous said...

5:25:00 you have a disabled child..downs child maybe? Awww, you have a precious sunny loving gift. Not a retard. A retard is someone who never learns because they don't want Lindsay Lohan. Not some precious little child with a few problems.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why this is politically incorrect. He wasn't DISSING the Special Olympics. He was comparing himself, and he is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Why is that construed as an insult to participants in the Special Olympics?

Fuckin' Republicans. You people suck. Just go fuck yourselves.

Was that politically correct? No?

Anonymous said...

P.S. to CPA at 5:20. You blame OBAMA for this mess? He created it in his entire EIGHT WEEKS IN OFFICE???? Really?

I thought it took some brainpower to get a CPA license. Apparently not.

Major Majormajor said...

@anon 2:44, 5:20 & 5:21:
Retard, please!

Anonymous said...

I'll never understand why people voted this fucking jackass into presidency. Americas going to shit.

Major Majormajor said...

@ anon 12:30

America has been in "shit" for the past 8 years. In case you haven't noticed. Take your mouth out to breath. Gently now...

Anonymous said...

when it comes to politics people have the memory span of 5 minutes. how can people really believe that obama caused the financial crises we all find ourselves in? now thats RETARDED. its happening here in australia too. everyone is blaming our current prime minister for the world economic crisis. it does my head in and makes me want to scream with frustration.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you dems and repubs. You dumbasses are why we are fucked up You retards think its a team thing. You have idiots on both sides but you will stick up for the fuckups that wear your party letter. Dumbfucks.

Dirty Disher said...

I LOVE people who put their names on posts. Have I told you that lately?