Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Brad Pitt encounter

Janet Charlton has a nice story about Brad Pitt. Some guy was selling chairs at a flea market and Brad loved them. They were classic Knoll's, which I had to look up. Don't bother, they are that ugly 60's bucket type stuff..but, Brad loves that stuff and we know he does. Brad offered the guy $12 hundred for them and then wrote a check for $12 thousand, proving he's a nice guy.
There's no doubt in my mind that Brad IS a nice guy who probably has distant memories of being an ordinary person, but, I find it hard to believe Brad Pitt could browse a flea market without a thousand paps up his butt. Personally, I've never met a chair worth $12 hundred dollars, let alone $12 thousand. At least, not to me.


crabbie said...

He couldn't tell Angie he paid only 1200 for the chairs. She would refuse to sit in them.

bubble said...

he probably couldn't tell her that he paid 12k per chair, I bet she has a tight grip of the purse strings along with his balls.

Anonymous said...

but Kate Gosselin needs a bodyguard . . . ?

Anonymous said...

I looked up Knoll chairs, they are high dollar and at least 50 different kinds! Some go for $5-7 grand a chair! Good God!

MaryL said...

Yes, we've known all along Brad is a nice guy. But nice doesn't mean he's not into being a vampire's bitch. Alas. Save him, Dirty!!

Johnny The "K" said...

They'll be worth more after Angie sits in them, you know.

Shelly said...

He's a hot piece. I think I'd like to do Tantric sex with him.

Anonymous said...

Lindsey Lohans 7 weeks pregnant !

Anonymous said...

Lindsay's preggers, woo hoo!! She'll be a great mommy :)

Anonymous said...

Do we know who the proud papa is? Does SHE know?

MaryL said...

Lindsay's not pregnant. In those pix from her Hawaii vacation two weeks ago she looks positively scrawny.

Anonymous said...

And Mary would know because they are close personal friends LOL

Anonymous said...

Brad loves "art" so maybe the chairs were like an art purchase to him. How can he brag about buying a $1200.00 art piece? Now, $12,000.00 sounds a bit more legit. Gawd dayum...it would be sooo hard to part with that check, right? I don't know. I'd have a perfect copy made of it for posterity. I think the check would maybe sell for more than the dude made on the chairs! Can you even sell a celeb's hand written check??? And maybe the dude didn't even know what he was selling and Brad didn't want to be accused of cheating someone.

Dirty Disher said...

I figured the chairs were art. And I can figure which style he likes to from his other art purchases. It's his money, he has a right to spend it. I'm a bargin shopper. $100 bucks is high end to me. My ass is used to junk.

MaryL said...

Naturally, she's my BFF, anonymous 10:29:00. LOL.