And so, I got along fine with these neighbors to the South. They are Harley riding dopers. I have never been one to think you're bad just because you like dope and Harleys. Not at all. Who am I to judge? I judge you on how you treat me. We were fence neighbors, waving hello and respecting each others space. I thought we got along fine. But, now it's become clear they've been watching me all along. They knew how much I enjoyed my yard and my garden and when they got the chance to hurt me, they took it. They took it far beyond what my idiot mother paid them to do. And I have to wonder what I did to make them want to hurt me. And I think I've figured it out. I don't believe in god. That's it. And do you know how I figured it out? I confronted her in the yard about what they did over here. She's been avoiding me. When I go out, she runs in. Yesterday I saw her outside with her yappy dogs (I can see them clearly now that the trees are gone) and I snuck up behind the barn and I got within six feet of her before she saw me. I said "Hey." Clearly startled, she couldn't avoid me. Her eyes went wide. She's a big woman, over 6 foot and 225 pounds and not fat. She had a black and orange Harley kerchief tied on her head. I don't know why that's important, but, it was a skull design. I looked her right in the eye and said "How's your hog running?" Then I smiled slyly and tipped my head and nodded knowingly..keeping eye contact. She ran for her house and her boy friend and I heard an explosion of profanity. They both ran for the machine shed to see what I'd done to their Harleys. I could hear him screaming about "the dirty devil worshipping bitch." I could hear things being thrown around and the hogs starting up. Of course they started, I haven't done a damn thing to them.
And so, I got along fine with these neighbors to the South. They are Harley riding dopers. I have never been one to think you're bad just because you like dope and Harleys. Not at all. Who am I to judge? I judge you on how you treat me. We were fence neighbors, waving hello and respecting each others space. I thought we got along fine. But, now it's become clear they've been watching me all along. They knew how much I enjoyed my yard and my garden and when they got the chance to hurt me, they took it. They took it far beyond what my idiot mother paid them to do. And I have to wonder what I did to make them want to hurt me. And I think I've figured it out. I don't believe in god. That's it. And do you know how I figured it out? I confronted her in the yard about what they did over here. She's been avoiding me. When I go out, she runs in. Yesterday I saw her outside with her yappy dogs (I can see them clearly now that the trees are gone) and I snuck up behind the barn and I got within six feet of her before she saw me. I said "Hey." Clearly startled, she couldn't avoid me. Her eyes went wide. She's a big woman, over 6 foot and 225 pounds and not fat. She had a black and orange Harley kerchief tied on her head. I don't know why that's important, but, it was a skull design. I looked her right in the eye and said "How's your hog running?" Then I smiled slyly and tipped my head and nodded knowingly..keeping eye contact. She ran for her house and her boy friend and I heard an explosion of profanity. They both ran for the machine shed to see what I'd done to their Harleys. I could hear him screaming about "the dirty devil worshipping bitch." I could hear things being thrown around and the hogs starting up. Of course they started, I haven't done a damn thing to them.
This is a war zone. And I have finally learned a lesson. Pay attention to your gut feelings. It's okay to judge by those feelings. And never let anyone know what you love, because they will try and take it away. Hells Angels and The Sons Of Silence wouldn't have anything to do with these punks. And I won't either. It takes longer to settle a grudge than it does to grow a Pumpkin...and now that the seeds have been sown, the wait will be worth it.
This is a war zone. And I have finally learned a lesson. Pay attention to your gut feelings. It's okay to judge by those feelings. And never let anyone know what you love, because they will try and take it away. Hells Angels and The Sons Of Silence wouldn't have anything to do with these punks. And I won't either. It takes longer to settle a grudge than it does to grow a Pumpkin...and now that the seeds have been sown, the wait will be worth it.
What did they do to you, Pat?
You dont wanna mess with bikers. I am afraid for you actually. Since when do bikers care if somebody believes in anything, except Harley's!? Your mom should be afraid too. She "invited" them in, ya' know? Maybe they are afraid of you? I hope so. I dont understand people, if believeing in god is so important, then why dont they behave godlike? They sure wont get many converts with their behavior. Be careful. Your pumpkins are beautiful. Have fun carving with Lissa.
Wahoo! Way to go DD!
DD I love the new header! And thise pumpkins are so cute!
Maybe you should call the Hells Angels on those mofos. I don't know, spread a nasty rumor, whatever. See how they like it.
My mother is "friends" with them. She has no idea they're crank heads. I am not afraid of these stupid morons. They messed with me first..and I am not turning the other cheek ever again. There is no high road, you just get screwed. Now that I know what they're afraid of, I have plenty of it for them.
DD, I'm so sorry this happened to you. You've got some sick fucks as neighbors. I can understand them cutting down the trees (your mother was paying for that) but to destroy your garden is just sick. Do they have the mentality of 12 yr olds?
They were just showing what good Christians they are...by attacking pumpkins with chainsaws.
It makes ya wonder why God-fearin' pumpkin' hatin' chainsaw wieldin' Christians (who also command you to love Jesus or burn in hell [bitch]) make posts wondering why we think they're so dang stupid. They indict themselves and we don't even have to lift one finger. Or chain saw.
in Devil Worshiping Witchery
I had no idea your Mother hired your neighbors! I thought it was some of your crazy cousins. Ok, that would freak me out knowing the people who did this to me lived right next door. Go put something in the gas tank DD. That will totally screw up that Hog!
You're funny Frimmy.
Yep. She hired them. I am not through with her old bitch ass either. I am feeling so mean today.
I feel so bad for you, Pat! I just want to find those morons and run over their Harleys with my big truck. How do you keep your sanity with all the crap that goes on in your life?
Always remember that you have many friends here, and we'll stick by your side.
Wow, DD.
I, like everyone else here, am astonished that the people who did this live so close. And I also bid you to be very careful. I know some Bikers, (who doesn't?), and they may not be a stupid as your neighbors, but they are very dangerous. Give them Hell, just be careful! They sound dumb as dirt, so they are really no match for you.
I still can't believe it about the pumpkin mutilation. . . jeez.
"dirty devil worshipping bitch".
What a bunch of retards for neighbors you have. Bwahahahaha! It's a full moon, too! You know they're scared shitless.
For as long as I live, I do not understand people. My mother didn't do much in the way of raising my sister and I (my grandmother did, long story) but she never ever judged anyone and we never knew what prejudice was.
How people especially Christian people have contempt for anyone different than them is beyond me. I have opinions about people but never are they based on religion or any other belief. As you said DD, I base it on how they treat me.
OT, I commented in your Halloween candy thread. I was wondering if you would start a thread about kids and costumes. I always enjoy seeing other bloggers kids and grandkids. I can't wait to see what Lissa is. Love the Owls btw.
Yep. I will.
Don't they realize the devil is a Christian teaching? It's THEIR belief not yours?
Personally, I'd be more afraid of the Christian bikers than the one-percenters.
Your neighbors are assholes. I'm sorry. I know what that's like. I hate neighbors and I wish I had enough money to buy a lot of land so I wouldn't have anyone close by. I don't care about having a big house, I just want land.
Your idiot neighbors probably thought smashing your pumpkins was funny. Stoned people think *everything* is funny.
I would love for you to post more about how you feel about religion. Myself, I am starting to think there is probably no God. There are so many terrible, awful things that happen in the world. Where is God to stop them? If he is real, why doesn't he fix all these awful things? Is he up there watching and doing nothing? I just can't think of anything that would justify a God who watches suffering and does nothing to help. :(
BTW I'm not saying people who believe in God are stupid or anything like that. I just have trouble believing in God myself.
you should mess with them by putting on a little "ceremony" directed at their house...they are obviously scared of you, so why not have some fun with it? snowbunnie
This had me pissing my pants. I'm not sure there is much to be afraid of, they've been avoiding you like the plague, they are obviously cowardly badass wannabes. The ones to be afraid of are the ones that wouldn't have taken time out of their day to do your mom's dirty work.
stupid fucks!! and how very 'unchristian' of them!!!
tell them you had planted some 'souls' in the pumpkins that they destroyed and they'll have to deal with the hauntings! hahahaha!!!
I feel for you DD. I agree on revenge. Cant help it myself, Kim is always telling me to calm down and quit thinking I have to get even. I know I should bt its just hard. People are so hateful and selfish. And I hate letting them off the hook. When I was young I thought most people were basically good. Now I feel that most people are just fucked up. spirited.
and yes, ALWAYS listen to your gut instinct, ALWAYS...i've learned that the hard way too...you get a bad feeling, but no, give them a chance....WRONG....i've gotten to where i'll just blow people off who give me a bad feeling and i don't care if they think i'm rude....
People aren't good. I wish they were. But they aren't.
I wish I was a cat.
I would have to get revenge. On Halloween night after Trick or Treat is over, build a small fire in your backyard. Dress up all in white, with a white head scarf----you've seen the Haitian VooDoo prietesses on TV! Set off some fire works to make sure you have their attention! Get some kind of chanting and wailing CD (I know you could find something) and that way, you don't have to shout to the top of your voice. Play it up big. Make 2 or 3 dolls (whatever the #), put glow sticks in the little dolls, stick pins in them like they were pin cushions and hang them little buggas on the fence. And for good measure, make one for your Mom! Then sit back and see what happens!
Tomorrow is "take the old ladies to the store day"! What are your plans?
yeah i reckon some chicken blood, feathers, and claws on their doorstep for starters. muahahahahaha!!!!
It's so very difficult not to want some revenge when someone has screwed you over. But the question is - just how do you go about it? Maybe just putting that fear in their heads that you might "mess with their Harleys" is enough for the time being. They can fret and stew about that for awhile. But that wouldn't be enough for me. I'd be watching and waiting for my chance to get even. It may take you awhile but I'm sure you'll have the opportunity sometime down the road.
I'm a scorpion and nobody screws me over. And yes, I agree with the other posters. You must follow your heart and trust your instincts when it comes to people.
I meant to add that "nobody screws me over and gets away with it". I've been screwed over many times. Sometimes it's taken years to exact revenge. That's ok. I'm patient.
yeah, when you wait and wait for revenge it really fucks with their head and that's fun! and/or they think too much time has elapsed and you won't do anything....hahahhaha....
Alison, I've been struggling with those thoughts. I believe in the higher power, not Their God though. I am not an Atheist, nor is my daughter. I live in a bible belt of sorts, I hate it. I see all the hypocrite neighbors going to their church on Sunday. The rest of the time they are vindictive, selfish and down right mean. One of their kids told my daughter that if she doesn't pray, she's going to Hell. It was last year and if I'd known when this happened, I would have gone to the principal of the school and complained. This comment came out of an 8 year olds mouth. This is the type of shit that gets past on from generation to generation. What kind of God promotes this behavior? I know I don't want any part of this brand of hate and intolerance. Organized religion is a crock.
Shelly - I agree 100% with what you said. Since the beginning of time organized religion has been behind so many wars and so much bloodshed. Throughout my life I've encountered many so called "god fearing" people. I'd have to say that most of them were the biggest back-stabbing hypocrits I've ever run across. I have met good, decent people who follow the teachings of the bible - but they have been few and far between.
I never attended church when I was growing up but when my kids came along I thought maybe I should give it a try for their sake. Boy was that a mistake! Most of the congregation were all part of the "it" crowd in our community and they all sat on one side of the aisle while the few of us who didn't have a lot of money and weren't part of their social scene huddled together on our side. Talk about segregation! And after the service during the so called "fellowship" period the snobs kept to themselves and treated the rest of us like we were insects. I gave it a month of Sundays and finally said "fuck this shit".
DD, maybe I've just forgotten but did your mother ever tell you what she thought was her 'reason' for trashing your garden?
i think they're wanna be bikers. Real bikers wouldn't be scared and avoid you. I think these are meth heads who are tweaking around .I'd be more worried about them being under the influence of that shit rather than the biker thing.
Ronnie, my mother is a liar. There is no point in asking.
Some of you don't seem to realize there will be a fire and a great circle. It has nothing to do with them. But, now there are no trees to block their view.
DD...I feel so bad for you lately. It's just been one thing after another.
I have found that what goes around sooner or later usually comes around. Even if you just wait it out, they will get their just due. Whatever they are throwing out there will just come back on them. That's just the nature of life. Let their misery stay on the other side of the fence.
Lots of hugs from my home to yours.
Those people are NOT Christians. The fact that you belive that's how Christians act just goes to show you don't know anything about Christians and what they believe.
And you even have it all wrong about the Christians and black cats.
well dianne you sure seem self-righteous....
You're surrounded by evil aren't you?
Get out of there.
Go back to poon land, Dianne. Now.
Poon land. Classic :)
Whatever. Hypocrits.
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