Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It a lovely day ..as usual

No picture for this one. I put my Aunt Ruth's picture on here once, she's a cute old toothless woman. She never was like the rest of "The Sisters", she was sharp and talented and just tried her best to get away from them. And here she is, 90 years old and at their mercy again. I took my mother and aunt shopping today..today is Tuesday, the only day my mother is allowed to contact me now. Oh, she won't abide by that rule, but, I don't answer the door anymore. She acts like everything is fine, chattering about bullshit, ignoring the fact that I ignore her. I waited outside the grocery for them for over an hour and I watched a man in a giant cat do construction work on the parking lot. His machine was so big it dwarfed his dump truck, yet he handled it with such delicacy, it was like an extension of his fingers. I've never seen such skill. Not even a bang in the truck as he loaded the huge pieces of concrete, just a dull thud as he gently put them in place. I was thinking, here's a man who could hide a body in ten minutes and make the ground appear undisturbed in five. What a skill to have. It made me envious.
Then they had to go to Dollar General and my aunt, who'd been fine just a minute before, suddenly became a petulant five year old. Waiting, again, for that mother thing to go through every item in the store, my aunt in the backseat began to make odd noises, much like a baby. Buu Buu Buu, doo doo doo, la la la. She pulled a can out of a sack and said "Meet my doctor! Doctor Pepper! BWAAAA HA HA HA!" Slapping her knee at the hilarity. Soon she was upset and yelling that she wanted a damn cookie. One of them good damn cookies, could she have a cookie? Why aint she got no cookies? I asked her what kind she wanted and she said "them good Fig Newtons or oatmeal, aint them good?" I went in and got both and handed her the bag. She ripped open both packages of cookies and began to smack her lips. Loud. Good cookies, I guess. Soon bored again she started the sing song sounds, buu buu buu, la la la, doo doo doo, while pounding on the window. Finally the mother thing returned and we could go. Mother Thing starts to recite everything she bought, oh, there was coffee creamer for a dollar, soap was two for a dollar..I said, are you talking to me or her? She said she was talking to me. I pulled over, stopped the car and said, well, don't talk to me because I don't give a goddamn flying fuck hole from shitting hell what you bought. Bitch.
When we got home my Aunt suddenly snapped out of her 90 year old dementia and became whole again. She got out, looked at the neighborhood and said "None of these sonsabitches are worth a shit" and went in the house. LMAO! I agreed. My Aunt is the only one of these idiots I have any sympathy for. She's the only one who never did me wrong and now look at her. Poor old thing. I don't have to talk to anyone for a week now. I am happy and I'll buy Rootie her cookies next week too. Maybe I'll take her to McDonalds for her beloved fish samich. I'll bet you're all jellus because I have this great family and we spend such quality time together. Maybe TLC will give us a show. Meanwhile, I keep dreaming of that old guy in the cat digging me a big deep hole in the backwoods. Hey, big boy. You lonely?


Anonymous said...

My boyfriend can write his name in the dirt with an excavator....it's pretty awesome.

Cut On The Diagonal said...

That's hilarious.
Now, I want cookies. . .and some music by "Police". . .do-do-do--dah-dah-dah. . .

I'm glad you said what you did to your mom. Unload every chance you get.

shmedelle said...

I laughed out loud reading this. Painfully funny.

Anonymous said...

Send me your address Im buying Auntie a Dr. Pepper and cookies too!!!


Dan Zinski said...

I slept till noon. Now I'm going to eat a sandwich.

Maureen said...

Mother Thing. I love it!

TVsnark said...

"that mother thing . . ."


Anonymous said...

I know I have said this before but you really should write a book.

BijouMerrie said...

Your blogs are kick ass good ...put together they would make an awesome book.

Reading about Auntie and her cookies made my day. And her comment about the neighbors..lmao!!

Frimmy said...

"here's a man who could hide a body in ten minutes and make the ground appear undisturbed in five. What a skill to have. It made me envious"


Vicki said...

Pat, we need to find you a Publisher. Your book is being
written before our eyes. All
these entries are Chapters waiting for a number. The book is your way out of there....into that cool,
old house you showed us. Just

Matilda said...

Pat - There are scads of self-publishing companies out there. I've checked into a few of them and found that you can choose how many you want printed up. I know that I would definetly put in a "pre-order" for one of your memoirs.

Bayou Jane said...

You never did say what Aunt Ruth had to say about this whole "mother-power struggle thing". Surely she sees a lot of things are different in the yard (and everywhere else)! Even with dementia!

What did your mom say after you pulled the car over. Does she ever try to explain herself! I can feel the tension from here.

Also, I always thought knowing a good dirt excavator was handy to have around. Just ask Jimmy Hoffa--if you can find him!!!

Vicki said...

Jane, the FBI was tearing apart some old junk yard in the Detroit
area just a few weeks ago--looking for ol'long gone Jimmy. Did the same thing about a year ago at some farm up there. Our tax dollars at work.

meissa2112 said...

I just got off the phone with my dad, and among other things I was talking to him about you and your ability. He paid close attention to what I had to say about the photos you post and the experiences you share. I will be forwarding him the link to this blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally behind the idea of farming out a little fun for the, "Diiger-Dan-Man" in exchange for a nice deep hole.

The neighbors'll think you're digging a new well.

Mom thing wanders off in the night...how sad....Never to be heard form again.

You and Roofie enjoy peaceful cookies and samwiches from here on out!

Anonymous said...

I like your Aunt Roofie, can I adopt her? ;) And your neighbors are STEW-PEED....I won't get started. Just hang in there, girl, you will weather this one out....

10G (Gina)

Pat said...

I don't think I will, 10G, this time my trust has been destroyed.