Thursday, October 29, 2009

Octomom's Halloween costume

Nadya Suleman went out as a pregnant nun and dressed all her babies as the Devil. Snort.


minnesota said...

What a dimwit.

Dan Zinski said...

You sure that's only a pretend bump?

Dirty Disher said...

Nope. I'm not sure of much anymore.

Unknown said...

Bwahahaha. That's awesome actually.

Anonymous said...

Why, how charming! (insert eye roll). Bitch should've gone as a big LEECH.

10G (Gina)

Anonymous said...

I saw this last week. Where the f do you go when you have 14 kids? She has time for this nonsense? I did not have 14 and didn't bath for 6 months.

Alison said...

I think this is funny.

Anonymous said...

shouldn't it be 8 angels and 1 big fat devil?

Anonymous said...

Poor kids...

Anonymous said...

I usually equate nuns with orphans. Whats she saying with this?? She is such a whore. I read a report that she & Jon Gosselin will be having a reality show together. Thankfully, thats not true. Or is it? I really feel like its the end of the world sometimes. Man cannot get much stupider & still exist.


TVsnark said...

I vote for funny!

crabbie said...

I'd hit it.

Anonymous said...

omg, at first I thought it had to be some sort of satire. But its really her. This woman has no shame and no brains.

miss tia said...

those babies look really healthy....

aside from that she's batshit nuts...

Lauren K said...

She makes me throw up in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

Exactly what statement is she trying to make?!? I think this is disgusting.

CaseyJ. said...


also.. lol at Crabbie "I'd hit it" LMAO!

bored said...

I am actually offended and I am not even a nun.

Anonymous said...

I agree... she's sick.

Bayou Jane said...

What about the first 6? Don't they get to go? Shouldn't the babies stay home and the other 6 go out? But, she may not be recognized then. And why is she dressed already (before Halloween)? Did she get paid for a photo op?

Corina said...

Next year she can go as santa and have her 8 reindeer. The other minions will have to be elves. After all these human beings are just props in her twisted alternate reality anyway....

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Please stir up controversy for my show!! Please talk about me so I can get paid like the rest of the vacuous reality-scripted-rehearsed TV shows.
Please buy me a house and a new uterus and some fresh nipples that won't look like beef jerky, and please re-fill my lips so I can look like a street walking Angelina. Please please!

Chrissy said...

Oh what cute little babies! And there's eight of them! They should have a tv show! What could happen?

Uh...never mind.

bored said...

Her happiness is either manufactured by Prozac or she is completely delusional to her situation.

Speak To Me said...

I can't even afford one costume let alone 8! WTH?