Monday, October 26, 2009

The real Wile E. Coyote

Daniel and Tevyn East were driving at night along Interstate 80 near the Nevada-Utah border when they noticed a pack of coyotes near the roadside on October 12.
When one of the animals ran in front of the car, the impact sounded fatal so the siblings thought there no point in stopping.
'Right off the bat, we knew it was bad,' Daniel explained. 'We thought the story was over.'
Not only didn't the brother and sister stop, they drove on for 600 more miles. 5 hours later,
Daniel East got a broom to try and pry the remains out of the bumper and got the shock of his life.
'It flinched,' Tevyn East said. 'It was a huge surprise - he got a little freaked out.'
Rescue workers were able to pry the animal out of the grill.. The coyote had been thoroughly embedded between the front fender and radiator of their Honda Fit car - and had amazingly survived the journey without any broken bones or internal injuries.
All the little guy had was some bloody scrapes on one paw..and the best part? When Wildlife Rehab took him into custody, he escaped! 'Now it's a local coyote,' Tevyn East said. 'We named it Tricky for a reason,' Daniel East said.
Go, Tricky!!!


Anonymous said...

What a sweet story. I was afraid to scroll down at first, glad I did!

Dirty Disher said...

I don't post or read about abuse.

Dan Zinski said...

Same thing happened to a cat recently. Must have something to do with the Mayan prophecy.

Anonymous said...

He looks so sweet. I'm glad he's ok.

Bohemianmoon said...

I love him <3!

Cut On The Diagonal said...

Awww. Thanks, DD.

Matilda said...

Crabbie - A happy ending for both the cat and the coyote. That's what I like to read!

Anonymous said...

Now if the cat & coyote were stuck in the same cars grille, I dont think the ending would be so happy for the cat. Unless they somehow bonded during the 600 mile trip and became bff's. Stranger things have happened, like this accident!! Wow!!!

Melissa said...

So cute. Glad he made it OK and is back to his wild ways.

bored said...

I am so happy that the little guy is ok.

Unknown said...

Awww, glad it didn't get burned while stuck in there. Pretty amazing really.

Bayou Jane said...

This is too weird! But I'm happy for him, it could have been so bad!

Unknown said...

Aww im glad he is okay.. He looks very sweet. Great post dd..

Unknown said...

Saw this in the news a few days ago. I was afraid the coyote didn't make it, but happy he did :)

Unknown said...

As for the cat, my dad always had to look underneath his car for his cat before starting the car to come back home (he had a cat in his art studio). Cats like to hide under the hood because it is warm.