Kate doesn't let her kids celebrate Halloween because it's against her religion, but, I don't think anyone's explained the concept of trick or treat to her. If she really knew her kids could get free stuff, wouldn't she have them out there? If she did trick or treat I imagine she'd just carry a big box for cash only because it's a little hard to shove four industrial washer and dryers, a $10 thousand dollar refrigerator and a boob job into her bag. Seriously..are sheeple still sending this jackal free shit?? What is the matter with people? What's her addy, I have a box of something I'd like to send her. It's organic too.
Tell me, if Kate trick or treated your house..what would YOU give her?
Tell me, if Kate trick or treated your house..what would YOU give her?
A kick in her fucking head.
A blanket party. A trick for her, a treat for me.
i'd give her a few choice words...
The finger.
The finger.
I would humiliate her just like she humiliates her kids and Jon. I would film her going to the bathroom and then I would take her to Toys R Us and yell and scream at her like she did Jon.
I would give her a big ol' STFU!
an arrest warrant for child abuse. . .and animal abuse. . .and crimes against fashion.
Human shit in a box always works. It would be like looking in a mirror for her.
Hallowen is against her religion? Yeah big deal Kate, divorce and cheating is against your religion too and you didn't let that stop you.
I'm surprised Kate won't let the kids go trick-or-treating mainly because it would be such a good photo op. She could do an elaborate theme with all the kids dressed matchy-matchy and everybody would ooh and ahh over how cuuuute it was.
I'm assuming Halloween is not against Jon's religion since he never talks about being religious, but I'm sure he is too busy to take the kids trick-or-treating. Busy banging his new girlfriends and spending money, that is.
Maybe you can box up your raccoon and send it to her. Then you would be rid of your problem.
and put some skunk in too!! then she can match that dead animal on her head....
lmao Brigadoon.
Brig, you have no idea how that made me laugh. Can you imagine her face if a crazed raccoon popped out and grabbed her head? Bwaaaaa ha ha.
Kate won't let her kids celebrate Halloween because it is anti-Christian, but she lies and lets her kids shit and be naked on national tv. Oh please. If Kate actually had a brain she would know that Halloween is a Christian holy day.
Oh.....I would Kate the Swine Flu and withold the vaccination all while wearing a pig nose and her stupid wig.
I would give
Great pic, thanks, lol!~
I would throw some very loose diarehhea on her to remind her of her nursing days. I'm still upset about the fact that some state let her renew her nursing license. I just can't imagine her bedside manner. I wonder if they taught her to put a sick child on the floor in the laundry room. That would be a reason to take it away.
O how I hate Kate Gosselin...That look on her face in the picture just sums up the self-entitlement and holier than thou attitude she has. Bitch.
A kick in the kunt !
A one-way ticket.
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