Yesterday we used markers to draw faces on the tiny pumpkins. Hers were really good Jack O Lantern faces, but, she covered the bottoms with black. I asked her about it and she said it was the "sea of evil." I asked her where she heard that and she said it was just a known fact. I told her Halloween is just good fun and not a sea of evil. I may talk to her about Samhain later..or not. Depends on how I feel. And it does NOT depend on the opinion of the trolls who twist everything I say.
Yesterday we used markers to draw faces on the tiny pumpkins. Hers were really good Jack O Lantern faces, but, she covered the bottoms with black. I asked her about it and she said it was the "sea of evil." I asked her where she heard that and she said it was just a known fact. I told her Halloween is just good fun and not a sea of evil. I may talk to her about Samhain later..or not. Depends on how I feel. And it does NOT depend on the opinion of the trolls who twist everything I say.
I also let her bake a Halloween cake by herself. It was a box mix and I read her the directions and she did it all. The only thing I did was take it out of the hot oven for her. I was kind of amazed that she could make a cake all by herself. I didn't let her use the mixer so she had to beat it by hand. There were a few lumps, but, they must have baked out. And she used two cans of frosting for one small cake, still, it wouldn't have made it to Cake Wrecks, it looked pretty good. She even washed her hands first so I would eat it too. It was good...for cake. She ate a third of it in one sitting.
She's going in for some more medical tests tomorrow so she won't have school. Then she's coming to work with me. After work we have pumpkins to carve. Lots of them. She's having another test Thursday and she asked me if it would hurt and I said no, it's another MRI scan, it's just pictures, but, it's loud. I told her they'd probably give her a shot or IV though. She was pissed off, but, I always tell her the truth. Other people don't always tell her the truth and then when she finds out she's really pissed. I don't like the fact that she's five and knows the difference between a shot and an IV, but, she does. Sometimes the world does seem like a sea of evil, you just have to look for those little islands of cake so you can be happy for a minute.
She is so adorable. If I may ask,
is the photo on the board your Son?
Thanks. Yeah, it is. The great fridge gallery. LOL.
That Is Eric!
Sounds like you are having a good time! Thank you for telling Lissa the truth, I have never been a fan of lying to children about things they should know about, especially when their health is concerned. Children are not stupid, and they will resent you if you are not honest.
Glitter is the herpes of the crafting world, it never goes away. Heard that on tv once.
I hope Lissa does well with all of her procedures. Those things are so tough on little ones. And good for you for telling her the truth in a way that she can understand, it shows that you respect her.
Thanks for the Lissa post. I've been wondering about her.
I'm just curious; who told her about the "sea of evil"?
I had to smile when I read about Lissa saying the sea of evil was a known fact. Kids can say the funniest things and it makes you wonder where they pick this stuff up. She's a sweetie-pie.
Good luck with everything the next couple days Lis, you are a brave little girl.
So glad to know how she is doing, I was getting worried there was more mama drama. Can't wait to see costume pics.
So nice to hear a Lissa story. So nice she has you to cut through the bullshit, give it to her straight and be there to snuggle her when she needs it.
Glitter = herpes reminded me of a story I read in an article about life's most embarrassing moments. A woman and her daughter had been working with glitter doing some crafty things and had been wiping up as they went with a facecloth. After they were done with their project, mom had to quick get ready for a doctor's appointment, was running late, and grabbed a facecloth for a quick wash up - you see where this is going, I'm sure. As the doctor began his exam, he commented on the extra trouble she took for that day's appointment. She had used the glitter facecloth and her nether regions were adorned with glitter.
Hello Doctor! *sparkles*
Sea of evil? Whas't she quoting 'Seeds of evil?'
She is really adorable. I'm glad you don't lie to her. She will need the same tests whether she is lied to or not, so why lie? At least prepare her.
I read an article once by Judy Blume where she said when she went to a gyno for the first time, her mother told her all that would happen was that the doctor would ask her a few questions. Judy said she was freaked out when the doctor put her in stirrups and examined her. I think she started crying. Later she cried to her mother, "Why didn't you tell me he would do that?" and her mom said, "Well, I didn't want to frighten you." To which Judy, when re-telling the story years later, concluded: "But there is nothing more frightening than not knowing."
I have never been a fan of Judy Blume's books (I was overdeveloped as a child, and I couldn't relate to her "Wah, I wish I had boobs!" characters) but I totally agree with that story.
"Sea of Evil" sounds like something from a computer game. Maybe she heard one of the other kids talking about it. She also might have heard you say it at some point and couldn't wait to find a time to use it. Kids will remember things like that! And it seems she remembers a lot!
Lissa, if you use 2 cans of frosting on all your cakes, you can be my BF and if you tell me it was devils food with vanilla frosting, you could be my BFF!!!!!
Good luck on yor exams!!!
so glad to see a Lissa post!!! Been missing these!!!
are the tests routine? i hope everything is well with her!!
"sea of evil"....yes! the world has a sea of evil!!
Cake is an island in the sea of evil. I like it.
She is beautiful as is her art work. There is nothing more inspiring then kid art.
And I thank you for being honest with her and telling her the truth. For the life of me I don't understand why people lie to their kids, well besides that fact that it is easier - nuff said about THAT.
I hope all goes well tomorrow!
Unfortunately, my 6 year old also knows the difference b/w a shot and an IV. So much better off being up front with them. Even when I'm virtually certain that a doctor's appt isn't going to involve any needles, when he asks I always tell him "I don't think so, but no guarantees".
I love the Leaf print she made. So artistic! She is getting big and so pretty...I'm glad you have eachother. You really are a good person Pat. :)
Bernadette, Awww. I hope your 6 year old has a great Halloween.
Forgot to say that I love the picture she made, bravo Lissa!
Lissa sounds like a great companion - one to keep you on your toes and one step ahead of her. lol
I can imagine when she's grown with a family of her own she'll look back on your days together with such fondness and love. It's obvious the two of you have a marvelous relationship. Enjoy every second of it!
Lissa is adorable as always:) How did her tests go? I hate that she has to know the difference between medical procedures also. Some kids have to be wise beyond their years and it just sucks! Thanks for sharing.
Her tests came out fine, I don't know about the MRI yet.
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