I watched Natalie Morales interview Kate last night. So? Shoot me. I don't care, it was on and I was cleaning and I watched it, yes I did. Morales asked the "hard hitting" questions..I am laughing my ass off typing that because this thing was so edited by TLC in favor of Kate it was pukable. In the beginning you heard Morales's voice saying over the seasons we'd seen lots of chaos and lots of cuddles. WTF show has she been watching? I never saw "lots of cuddles". Kate, as usual, became her own interviewer, doing that annoying questioning and answering thing she does. "Was I angry? Yes. Am I proud of all my behavior? No." Let the Interviewer ask the questions, Kate, that's why it's called an interview. Otherwise, it's just YOU talking to YOU. (Which, I suppose, is the way she likes it.) The fact that she was gone most of the time and Jon was the actual care giver to those kids was brought up, but, not by Kate, nor was it acknowledged by Kate unless it was "lost" in the edit. It was a truth that was given as a small voice over.
I didn't think Kate's face looked bad, she looked sort of harsh, but, pretty, but, her polyester looking dress was too tight and she looked a little fat and her legs looked HUGE. It was like her canckles took over clear up to her chin. And her earrings were nice, but, was anyone else dying to yank them? One kept going sideways through the whole thing, it was distracting as hell. But, nothing could hide the true bitch inside her. I can't believe anyone out there falls for her shit anymore. She is so deluded she actually believes half of what comes out of her mouth.
I know very well how control freak liars work (they're good), but, I've never seen one on this fame whore level. Rather than instilling sympathy in me, she scared me. The story of Kate Gosselin and what really goes on in that house would make a great horror movie. I think she would make Joan Crawford look like June Cleaver on downers.
I know some of you watched it..I want to know what you think and which part bothered you the most.
I am not a fan of Kate at all - don't get me wrong, but it makes me sad that we as women are so harsh and critical on other women about their appearances.
We all struggle with this everyday but we are the first ones to throw out 'fat' and 'ugly' when criticizing another women. I guess we can't really expect men to stop saying those sorts of things and judging women on their exterior until we stop doing it to ourselves.
That being said, I wish Kate would take a long walk off a short dock.......
I think I didn't word it right..the thing with Kate is, she could be VERY attractive even with her faults, if she dressed right. But, she insists on dressing like a teenage bombshell and it looks absurd. That's what I meant. So, yeah, she looked fat as a heifer, by choice. She's dumb that way.
Gotcha DD! I know what you mean now.
Soo glad you pointed out her annoying-ly annoying way of asking and answering her own questions. Like she's saying to the interviewer, "you suck at this, I'll just do it all myself". I wanted to scream at the TV.
Didn't watch it. Saw one episode and she wouldn't let the kids play in grass. That was enough for me to hate her...and I follow the drama here.
It does amaze me that she has become the "good" spouse. Jon could have left her and come out smelling like a rose. He really screwed himself. I used to feel sorry for him.
She's evil. If your character is crap, you look like crap on the outside too...thin or fat.
I think Kate does enough wrong without having to bring up her looks. Honestly, if that is your biggest beef with her then you have more issues than she does! And if that is not your biggest beef with her, why bring up something so superficial? Focus on what matters. Her legs don't matter one bit. I think the whole reason GWOP was called insane in the article was for stupid, petty comments like this.
3:09:00 PM, you can use a name, I'm not going to go off on you because we disagree. The reason I brought it up was valid though. She controls her image and the camera was right on her the whole time. You couldn't help but see every detail of her body and face, right down to the filagre earrings. Kate controls what she wants you to see and projects what she wants you to think, but, she isn't doing a good job. If she wants to be percieved as the worlds hardest working single mom,(and angling for her own show) she needs to stop trying to be sexy and hot. She's neither at this point. Bad move, Katie.
I think its just pointing out that all she cares about are her looks, and she fails at even that. She should spend her attentions on her childre, not trying to make herself look better inside or out. So its even funnier, to me, that she fails at both.
Know where you're going with the appearance comments & agree. Some people with very little money can put it together and then there's one with everything available to them and look like trash no matter how hard they try.
As to my favorite part of the show. Not a clue. Was flipping between DWTS and the Lying Channel. Stayed on TLC for a minute too long and it put me to sleep. Woke up at 11:00. I needed the sleep more than I needed listening to lies.
My favorite part was how she said it was too hard emotionally to go to church with the kids - there would only be 9 of them and it would be too sad. Way to blame Jon yet again! I've got to say I truly admire her ability to blame everyone but herself without being obvious about it. It kind of sneaks up on you later.
I watched 2 minutes of the interview when Kate was lying about who ended the marriage. Kate's behavior is really infuriating to me so I can't watch. I read the recaps from the posters over at Moon's site.
Although she's always been a huge bitch, the reason women related to her in the early seasons was because she seemed so "real". A huge reason why she's so despised now is because she so obviously let fame go to her head and changed so drastically, looks-wise. Call me shallow, but to see her fail so monumentally is really satisfying.
So many areas of the interview that made me crazy. The kids deserve life on a golden platter -- way to go Kate, give them the same entitlment issues you have. She has an e-mail relationship with her parents. Hasn't seen them since just after the tups were born because they had their own opinions and didn't agree with mine. Good grief, Kate, your father and his church gave you boatloads of freebies but you didn't want them because they didn't match. Can you imagine how embarassing that was for him and how it must have hurt. But, that doesnt matter, does it, because your opinion is all that counts. Forget that the kids could use some grandparents in their life. And God forbid she would ever admit that anything is her fault. The kids shouldn't even know what the word paparazzi means, well Kate, get them out of their life. No sir, they are my meal ticket. I can't be a nurse again, they don't make enough money.
oh well, enough for now, I need to go barf.
Her excuse for not going to church in a while was pathetic!! Also, her saying she didn't remember who initiated the divorce. Give me a fucking break!
"It was like her canckles took over clear up to her chin."
I think wearing the dress was a bad choice. If they are trying to make Kate relatable why didn't they dress her in slacks and a nice blouse.
Kate is just plain unrelatable (sp) anymore because she lives in her diva world where she goes grocery shopping in hooker heels and nice dresses.
I just don't get why TLC seems to be pushing Kate into the spotlight while at the same time allowing her to say all this stupid crap and dress so inappropriately.
If they were trying to clean up her image, why aren't they teaching her to dress and speak properly? I agree with a previous poster that she could be relatively attractive (physically anyway).
I guess TLC realizes drama gets more ratings in the short term, but I cannot believe it will result in her succeeding in a show all about Kate.
Yeah, the not going to church because it's only the 9 of them now and that's just to hard. Boo hoo. This from a woman who based her whole scam around the good Christian factor. The kind of Christian who'd wear those jesus loves you footprint shoes and then turn down your handmade Christmas presents saying the kids would prefer a Target gift card instead. Those kind of Christians aren't anyone I'd like to know and they aren't anyone my Christian friends would like to know either. She should be ashamed.
Her dress was too tight and she was propped against that pillow awkwardly and it made her look fat. Also the camera angle put her cank's front and center. They showed a lot of old show clips, and I think the stress is taking away from her looks. Plus she has on way too much make up.
I think theres only 1 more episode, like a "greatest moments" whatever thing.
She stated she hoped to be employed by TLC in some capacity, which I think would be her only option if she were to remain on television. She's difficult to watch and I hated the way she asked and answered questions in the beginning of the interview.
I also DVR'ed and watched LPBW to see what pissed you off so bad last week. OMG, those kids are so fucking ungreatful!
The little son: " you only spent two weeks of our vacation with us".
But the vacation was FIVE fucking weeks long?
Little bitches, please.
The burned table?
Rollerblades on the hardwood floors?
Jumping in and out of the windows and wrestling?
Those people are a fucking overindulged, ungrateful joke. No wonder their farm keeps getting vandalized, those bratty kids probably brag about all their free shit at school.
Theres nothing cute or interesting about those little fuckers.
OH MY GAAAWD! I copied this from Z's blog:
"I just had to get out my book. Yes, I got it for Christmas. In her book, her words, on page 51, the second paragraph...she went into the hospital for bed rest on March 7, 2004. The babies were born on May 10, 2004. That is at the most, 10 weeks of bed rest...not 30. She has tripled it. I think she need to go back and reread her own story."
Liar, LIAR, thong on fire!!!
Wouldn't it have been a more effective interview had she had on a feminine, properly fitting suite?
Why is she dressing like this? Tight, low cut dresses with strappy heels? I think it's inappropriate and she instantly looses cred in that git-up.
And Barbara, right! Why in the hell do her kids deserve life on a gold platter? My kid blows their mediocre asses away, but I'd never say or think anything like that, who says that?
They're just kids, nothing special, geeze!
And agreed that TLC should make over her image ASAP. She looks trashy, not sympathetic or likable in any way. It's television, image counts for quite a lot.
JustWondering..yeah, I caught that bedrest lie too, big time. And she avoided the question with that bed rest jibber jabber. She was asked if the show was bad for the kids. She never answered. She is such a deciever.
Yep. Her kids deserve life on a gold platter. Jeez louise. They deserve parents and that's one thing they'll never have.
Shelly, the Roloffs deserve another reaming after what I saw last night. Gawd, they're nuts too.
I don't feel an ounce of compassion for this famewhore. She's allowed her own selfish desires to ruin her life, marriage and any possible chance of her kids crawling out of this, "sewer of scandal" she and Jon have created, unscathed.
She was quoted in the, Vanity Fair, article as saying that crying was a waste of time and energy and she did damn little of it. BUT, it did humanize her in the media.
The tears, umming and painful pauses were ALL pathetic.
She looks 10 years older than she is and she DOES have cankles, a fat gut and a flabby ass.
She's a famewhore who has put her life and every stupid choice she's made in the past 3 years on tv, and in mags and tabloids and done every freaking morning show in existence, spouting the same, sad and off-key song.
She has fought to keep herself in full view and even slapped that horrendously horrendous brick-shaped torso in a bikini.
Famewhores like Kate crave the attention. That's just what my opinion gave her!
If these twits don't want to be judged they might want to consider staying off the tube and out of the tabs by avoiding the seedy acts and dispicable behaviors that land them there things. Not acting like a crass shrew helps as well.
"Little bitches, please"
Cannot stop laughing - thank you!!
I know I watched the Rolooff's again last night, too. They are fucking nuts.
Oh, and Kate does look like a solid, thick, turd.
"Liar, LIAR, thong on fire!!!"
BEST line of the day!
Someone please tell me that this trainwreck is finally coming to an end. Even Jim and Tammy Faye couldn't recreate themselves this many times.
Go away, Gosselins, just GO AWAY!!!
Kate was fake in the interview. I no longer believe a single word that comes out of her mouth. The whole "woe be to me " shit is getting old. She doesn't take the kids to church because it would cut into her travel and limelight time. If you are a true Christian, then you will go to church regardless of having your spouse/ex spouse with you. Maybe she would go if they passed the offering plate around for donations of Target cards to give to her. I am still angry over that whole issue.
As for the Roloff's, since Zack is over eighteen now I will say it: That little shit needs a wake up call. He is rude. He runs to his Mom because she let's him and the others get away with bloody murder.
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