Little person Zach, who is the twin to tall Jeremy, decided to stay home in protest that his mother was not included. Zach is mommy's widdle boo-kums and Amy practically still wipes his butt. And he's 18 so I can feel alright saying that kid is the biggest manipulator on TLC next to Katie Irene. Jeremy went with dad and took an equally obnoxious friend along. Jeremy says him and his dad "think along the same path." That would be the path to a free Virgin Islands tour paid for by TLC and with no annoying Amy along. Little Jake joined the boys, I'm sure he was thinking of new and exciting things to burn and destroy in a different location. Molly decided to side with mom and Zach and stay behind. Most of the show was the family fighting about who'd go and who'd stay and why.
So, half the family is whooping it up in the Virgin Islands and the sad half of the family is home supporting poor poor done wrong mom..except mom is gone too. On a speaking engagement. "We found fun in our own backyard," Zack tells us. Yeah, you keep talking shit and someone out there will believe you. Someone under the age of 10, which is Zach's mental age. The best scene was Zach and Molly waiting for Amy to return and Zach bought a rotisserie chicken and took it out of the package without washing his hands. He plopped it on the counter upside down, pawed it, picked at his nose and stuck it on the oven. When Amy walked in it was clawed at pile of bones with a few filthy scraps left and Amy was thrilled that her widdle boo-kums made her dinner. Her kitchen was so trashed it looked like the last day of Woodstock and she put down her luggage and started cleaning, saying she should make them do it, but "It's so nice to be needed."
I watched this also and LPBW is now going to be on my do not watch list. Zach is one of the most obnoxious teens I have ever seen. These are parents divided when it comes to raising kids. Neither of them back each other up and I blame mostly Amy. It's obvious Zach is the preferred child because he's little.
Free house remodel, free trips, free, free, free.
These kids are a lost cause thanks to bad parenting and TLC ruining another family. This show has definitely jumped the shark.
Very disappointing. I thought when the show started, they might be different from J&K.
Money does awful things to these families, yet people continue to line up to get a reality show (balloon boy anyone?)
TLC has learned a lesson - drama equals rating - families be damned!
This must have been the second episode to the "VI" one I watched. (who the fuck calls it VI, what is this fucking IHOP?) To be honest, I think TLC is purposely putting footage on that shows them in a bad light. The commercial with the little asshole with the bloody bandage on his head cracks me up. It's hard to be sympathetic to the plight of little people when they're portrayed as such raving assholes. TLC probably gave them a big fat raise to be a little more controversial.
They are doing the same thing with "Living With ED". I really enjoyed the first two seasons of this show, but the new season has them constantly fighting and throwing in snippy remarks about each other. It's a little hard to watch, and not everyone wants a train wreck all the time. I hate it when networks underestimate the intelligence of the audience.
i am sooooooooooooooooo glad i turned down the production company who was trying to get me to do a reality show....it was for TLC! they're having a show called 'life chronicles' and they wanted me to do the episode 'i hate my neighbor'.....they find me via youtube and my rants against my neighbor....i totally refused....sooooooooooooooo glad!
But Miss Tia - you could be RICH and FAMOUS just like Kate!
OMG Tia!!!!! That is just bizarre! But, I'm glad you said no. Geez the extra money would have been nice, no doubt, but, the rest of it..ewww. Just shows how smart you are.
They are turning into a train wreck just like the Gosselins.
yeah, it was Pink Sneakers Productions and their email they sent me (i kept it and a couple others) said they produced The Hogan Family (and that's quality right there eh??)....i did call the woman and spoke with her...she couldn't believe when i said no and it would make my neighbor, would be too violating to my privacy (and even to my insane neighbor's privacy), and i was not going to be editted to look how they wanted me too....
fuck the money....they offered $5000 to start...i mean, yeah, i could use the money, but not doing something like that!
meant to say it would make my neighbor worse...can't type today...
that show "Hoarders" is the worst. It shows how filthy people are. Just nasty & filthy & greasy & gooey. I swear, no show the worst side of ppl like that one does. I watched it twice, I cannot watch it again. It almost gags me. *blech*
Miss Tia, I would have loved to see that show with you on it. Just make your own show "I hate my neighbor, more!"
You crack me up girl. Gawd, that would have been epic. Do it!!! Get the payday & run like hell.
Omg yes roxanne the hoarder they featured this week
hoards food ! She had rotting food all over her house.
I watched it withy hands in front of my eyes and
could NOT understand the thrill she got from
hanging on to old food that had expired
over a year ago and it was organic chicken soup.
Her reasoning was that it is expensive and she
usually is able to eat stuff others can't ?!?!WTF
The therapist asked her if she could eat salmonella
or botulism ?! She ended up keeping it !!!!
Her freezer was so disgusting I could smell it
from my house it reeked !!! God dammmm it
she reminded me of my cheapskate of a mother
who froze everything & we would only be able to
eat the oldest stuff ( I mean like last years sale items )
complete with freezer burn ! She still has 4 filthy
freezers full of ancient relics to this day. I feel
Lucky that I have O C. D. when I watch them.
There is joy in going to the store and buying
some fresh food and bringing it home to prepare and
serve your family ! So many good memories are
assoiciated with foods that's very comforting. :) Kiki
Didn't they just get the whole house cleaned last week? I loved her vacuuming, wit the whole room piled full of crap. It goes way beyond a bit messy. What really pissed me off was that Amy decided this was going to be a big fight and made sure it was. Matt was wrong, but Amy could have made her speech then joined the trip. Matt did that last year when Amy was in charge of the vacation. I really resented the way she actively encouraged the kids to side against Matt.She involved all the kids in her argument with Matt. She is so spoiled. Zach is a homely little spoiled baby who had better get his life together and study to go to college, because he is going to have to use his brains for life, because he won't be able to manage physical labor.
I still enjoy the show. Just tone down the fighting. And, Amy needs to thank that Faith Christian God of hers for many things!!
I think what TLC is doing is predatory. They contact families who are overwhelmed financially and show them the money. I realize that people sign contracts on their own volition but I think it would be hard to say no to a large corporation with armies of lawyers. Wouldn't you?
Doesn't TLC or the production company have any liablity here? It's like TLC is counting on these families to be so desperate for cash that they sell out their families.
TLC is paying these people to create drama, I'm sure of it. TLC is just like the freaking Jerry Springer show. But at least Jerry Springer is honest that his show is a piece of trash. TLC acts like they show good family values. Yuck.
I used to feel sorry for Zach because he is little (I know that's not PC, but let's face it, having any kind of physical abnormality sucks and I know this first-hand) but now I think he totally uses it to his advantage and gets away with more crap because he is little. Which is just wrong and gross.
well i said no to TLC via a production company!! oh they try to manipulate you into saying it will be good, they'll help solve your issues/problem/whatever....but you CAN say no....there is no amount of money that is worth your privacy---if you are a rational human, and obviously these people on reality tv are NOT rational, they're fame whores....
This family are a bunch of slobs. Not even a beautiful house will make this family clean up their shit.
I love Hoarders. It just blows my ming how people can hang on to a used napkin for 20 years.
My grandma used to love TLC. She does not watch it anymore. As she once said, "I don't want to watch people with a bunch of kids, like that Kate lady." Ha ha ha ha.
I am sure there are many people who are turned off by this channel nowadays. I used to really like it but, not anymore.
I do kind of like "Hoarders" though, because I have OCD and it reminds me of when my OCD was really bad. I sympathize with those people. I was never a hoarder, but, I still know what being so obsessive/compulsive is like. (Hoarding is a kind of OCD.)
Miss Tia that is awesome that you turned down TLC! I agree that being on such a show would have made the situation with your vile neighbor even worse. I have a neighbor who's a bitch and I'm sure going on television for an "I hate my neighbor" show wouldn't make her any nicer!
Amy is such a slob and it makes me wonder what her personal hygiene is like.
I saw this coming last season. Amy is never happy with anything...she is the little version of Kate IMO (only a slob). These two are going for the whole divorce theme as well huh? If I were Matt, I would have already left her. Looks like the other NEW families on TLC would stop and see what this kind of show does for you..but they don't,uggghhh!
First of all, My husband called me from work the other day and said he had been contacted by someone from Wife Swap to do a show. He is very into Rugby and they wanted to use this in the show. We both laughed about it and didn't even entertain the idea for a second. No way would I put my kids (17, 14 and 11) through the stress and embarrassment.
Secondly, the Hayes family (Table For Twelve) must be living under a rock. How could they even think about doing a show when they see how destructive these reality shows are to other families? You would think they would have done some research before they signed a contract. Especially with the older kids approaching their teen years.
I don't watch Hoarders..gross. I could go next door if I wanted to see that.
i followed this show from the beginning and always felt an undercurrent of 'discontent' on Amy's part. She was always in competition with the kids for everything. She wanted to be a part of their activities, be included in their fun, rather than being the parent. Heck, she was the biggest contributor of the huge junk pile they used to call their house!
Then, with this new season we all saw the huge division between Matt and Amy. I knew it was coming and so did the Roloffs. Amy was very vocal in past seasons when Matt said he knew his body would require him to slow down soon, saying that although he might not be able to travel, she intended to continue. I thought to myself; HOW RUDE! And, this last episode was the worse, IMO. For whatever reasons they didn't vacation together (heck Amy, it was a school break -- the only times the kids can go on trips. Why schedule a speech for that time?), but she was sure to voice her displeasure to the kids and force them to take sides. I don't think she ever grew up. She's admitted she didn't get to do things as a kid and was going to make up for it now that she can.
IDK what Amy and Matt's problems are and I don't care. But, I do care when parents force kids to choose sides. And I do care when parents are blatently obvious in their battles to win the affections of their kids. Amy is one of the worst offenders of this I've ever seen - and she's proud of it. This show has overstayed it's welcome. I hope this is it's last season, too.
By the way; does anyone know if Zach or Jeremy ever graduated from high school and/or were accepted at any colleges?
I have family in the area and I heard that the twins (and many of their loser friends) are enrolled at- I don't know about attending - Portland Community College at Rock Creek, about 6 miles from the farm. TLC has been seen filming there.
Guess Amy can still pretend to be one of the kids, she doesn't want them to ever mature.
What is wrong with Zach's mouth? It does not close. Ever. And I don't mean he talks too much which he does. Except I can't understand a thing he says. He must have gone to the same School of Enunciation that Jon Gosselin did.
Back to Zach's mouth. I noticed this in their first shows, years ago. He got braces and I thought great, he'll be able to close his mouth in a few years. But no. I hadn't watched in two years so I tuned in last night. There was Zach's big mouth, catching flies. WHY can't Zach shut his mouth? Maybe his face doesn't have enough skin to stretch or something. I know this is petty but this drives me nuts!
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