Ya gotta love those pics. A bus driver in San Francisco regularly stops at a museum after his run and hands out treats to a band of Raccoons. The little beggars form an orderly line to get their hand outs and they know what time he'll be there. The driver is afraid, now that he's been discovered, that authorities will round up his little buddies. Run, Rascals, run!
aww. Thats very sweet of him to feed all his little buddys. To bad he has been found out.
This made me smile. Thanks DD. This should make even Crabbie smile.
And I keep meaning to tell you that I feed the animals everyday from your link....yup .6 of a bowlfull everyday. Wonder if it really does help?
if he didnt feed them now, they would hunt him down & rip his face off!! I really dont agree with feeding wild animals. Winter birds, but thats about it. It handicaps them to fend for themselves, they shouldnt lose their foraging/survival instincts and they will if fed by humans.
Its the same thing when I watch a documentary on Animal Planet or Discovery. They are filming and know something bad is about to happen to an animal but they dont step in to help or change the outcome. I used to wonder why. But it does no good to intefere with nature & instincts. It only makes wild animals dangerous to humans.
Escrow, thanks for reminding me..I need to go feed the internet animals now too. Click, click!
totally off subject: We are cleaning out the attic. We have found things in there from when our kids were babies. We have moved it across country and many times since. My question is this: When is it ok to throw away your kids second grade, kindergarten & even high school workbooks and artwork, etc.? I feel like a bad mom tossing it & burning. But I am 52, my kids are 23 & 26 now. If I died tmrw, will they want it? NO! But they would be the ones having to sort it all out. So, we are doing it now. We are insulating and kinda have to. But soooo much sh**. I am really a hoarder when it comes to my kids. What do you pitch? What do you keep? Help!!!
This is totally off topic, but I need help and have not been to solve my problem on my own. There is another blog I read faithfully every day along with this one. I cannot open the comments to write or to read them. This just started over the past few days. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I'd ask your kids if they want them. If they say now, toss. I've saved everything up until now but I'm going back and tossing things. I don't need every single paper she ever took a pen to!!!
other anon.
It would help if you mentioned the site.
"Queuing racoons"... I love it!
Rox, I'm a bad one to ask, since I still have my sons cartoon series "Spot The Wonder Dog" that he made when he was 8. It's not like he's going to want it now, know what I mean? I'd say if you saved it this long, you'd be really sorry if you tossed it all. Go through it and save a box for each kid of the really good or important stuff. That's my advice.
Anonymous 3:58:00 PM,
Have you tried clicking on the part where it says "11 comments" (or what ever number it is at) instead of just the title of the post?
It became apparent to me by 1st grade that this stuff was really going to start to add up. Fortunately I read somewhere about taking photos instead. When they bring it home I put it up for about a month then I take a photo and throw the artwork away. I keep it in folders on my computer for each kid for each grade. They can always go back and look at it when ever they want and I don't have the clutter. If is a document such as student of the month I keep the original since it doesn't take up too much room but I really don't have room for diaramas from third grade, no matter how cute it was.
Rox if u were khate greedlin you would toss it
out as soon as your kids took it out of their backpacks
upon returning home from school !
DD the racoons remind me of Eddie Beale
& edith Beale of grey gardens 1974 doc the
relatives of Jackie Kennedy onasis they fed
these racoons that lived in their mansion in
the Hamptons. I love them they both fascinate
me more so than jfk and Jackie Camelot hoopla.
Thank you to everyone that offered suggestions on here. I will do that, my daughter doesnt live with me anymore, so getting her there to sort things is like pulling teeth. I think I know whats important & whats not anymore. Speaking of diaramas, we had to toss one of my 26 year old sons from 4th grade! Waahhh! I felt mean. It was pueblos and he won awards for it. But it's ok, he said to toss it. If the internet existed back then, I would have saved stuff on the comp, good idea. I am not going to do it now. My 23 year old daughter still makes thngs that wind up on my fridge! LOL...I will always be a mommy. Pat, I think Lissa will want her dads things. Save them. She will love them when she is old enough to cherish them. (((hugs)))
PS: I guess I saved every spelling test my kids ever took. Big mistake. I saved stuff even after it was posted up in the house for awhile. Don't be like me. Save only the good stuff. Everyday papers should be tossed out after you praise the child. I am weak about that. It's like hurting the child and I couldn't. But learn from me! Don't hoard school work. Big mistake. Big bon fire! LOL
I hope even though they know he's doing it the powers that be let it continue. It's nice to see a person being nice to animals.He's not hurting anyone and its late at night so no one is really around.
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