The turkey's in the oven and I got inspired with all my home grown herbs. I packed the underside of it with foot long sprigs of Rosemary and some Sage. I stuffed it with Stove Top, it took two boxes, but, I doctored that up with all the herbs and onions, fresh mushroom etc. It's a lazy persons Martha turkey. I'm old, I can cook a turkey in my sleep. If I feel like it, I'll make fresh gravy and if I don't, there's some jars in the cupboard. The potatoes are Crock Pot, already made. Yep. Have you tried those? They're great. And you don't have to waste your life peeling them. The green bean casserole is made and in the fridge. Plenty of canned cranberries. I happen to like those. So, basically, it's done..except for the turkey smelling and mouth watering.
I just got up and it's past noon, but, I don't look for Casey to be here until late afternoon. She has to drive back from Des Moines where the wedding is. The way she told it to me, her dad and Dennis had to go clear to Des Moines to find someone to marry them, even though it's legal in Iowa. It pissed me off because they are real active in their church here. So, they're good enough to take sizable offerings from every Sunday, but, they can't get their own pastor to marry them? I dunno, but, it pissed me off for them. They're good people and I wish them well, but, their church stinks, if you ask me. Anyway, when she gets here, she gets here. We're not real formal around here. It's always like that at my house, her dad is the big dinner giver on holidays and this one is early. Basically, I just wanted some turkey.
The house is still cluttered, I cleared a path though. I should pick it up, but, I'm going to do what I want, which is drink coffee, blog and smell turkey cooking. Still in my bathrobe and feeling quite content. Oh, I need to turn on the lights! It's misty out...nice day for cooking and lights. It doesn't suck to be me today.
That looks good. FedEx me some.
Your story made me feel happy Pat. Happy and cozy. I think I will make a casserole of some kind. I'm Canadian, we had Turkey Day last month. Then I am going to fill the pit with something burnable and have a fire. Have a really good night, you deserve it.
You are amazing Pat! Those look delicious. I have to admit that after all the food talk I went to the grocery store last night and went wild with the TG stuff. Here's how un-Martha Stewart I am, I bought a box pumpkin pie from the freezer section thinking it would be great for dessert. How was I supposted to know you had to bake it first?! LOL! I bet you can guess someone else will be making the TG dinner I will be enjoying. Lucky thing for my son & DH!
MabelLeaf, I love casseroles. Anything cooking in the oven is just comforting, isn't it?
FedEx'd pie? You think I'm OVC?...lol.
MuserMom, aww, just stick it in the oven and enjoy the smell all through your house. I'm not very much of a real cook, but, I think turkey with the trimmings is pretty easy. It's kind of a no brainer...unless you drive yourself nuts trying to do everything from scratch and you're a perfectionist. I'm not. I'm really good at eating..lol.
Pies look great!!
Pies look wonderful!
Enjoy your special meal with your special girls!
Those look beautiful. Glad they taste yummy. You should be very proud. I have never made a real pumpkin pie. I make that fabulous Libby's pumpkin roll instead. We love that with some whipped cream. It's fab. I can't wait till next week and get to cooking too. haha...my husband is having his top teeth pulled on Tuesday. He will have stitches and can't eat with us. He loves to eat, he is a very big boy! It's so funny. We will be maing yummy sounds so he can hear us. He will get pissed and probably attempt to eat anyway. Eh, he needs to be on a diet. I think it will be a great day. Him with his damn mouth stitched up and not yelling at anybody & we get to eat & he gets to suck something thru a straw! I love it. We will have to save him some food I guess. hehe
Pat, that little pumpkin in your header. The small oval shaped on nearest to the gourds is a pie pumpkin. Is that what you used in the pies?
I'm so glad your pies came out, I was worried there for a while. I really do think that fresh taste better. It sounds like you are having a great day. Some days we just get in the zone and then all is right with the world. Hang some garlic in front of your door to keep your mom from spoiling it,lol!
Had to go look, yep, those two small ones on the right front are the ones I cooked. I still have the big pink gourd and I'm going to make it into pie too. I have a friend who made gourd pie and it was Deelish.
LOL Clarbel, garlic is for, oh, wait..could work. LMAO! I already took them some pie so they can talk amongst themselves about how shitty it is.
wow pretty pies! Scotty is trying Mice meat pie this year per request of a friend. The kind without meat. Just feeling curious about that...??
Congrats to Dave and Dennis to bad there preacher was so spineless.
Ya got me in some sort of mood. My sons "fiances" kids will be at my place Saturday (cuz I run the neighborhood flop house) its actually ok, I enjoy her tiny tots ages range from 7 - 2, the 5 yr old Tyler thinks im kinda special and he likes spending time with me...Anyways I may make some homemade mac n 7 cheese w/ ham casserole.
OH boy I don't think I would try anything called Mice meat pie, Im hoping you meant Minced Meat.
Those pies look fantastic. You are so talented at so many things, Pat.
Tell Scott I want his mice meat recipie. I could hunt the mice here. AH ha. HA. LOL sorry. I love good typos.
Full house Connie! With your kids and hers..sounds fun, but, I'd need earplugs.
Doesn't mince meat have raisins? I hate rasins. They're just wrong. Scott is a chef though, so I'm sure everything else will be outstanding. Can't get behind mince meat though..I'd rather try mice meat.
Don't cut up your pumpkin! That's way too much work. Just cut off the top like you would for a jack-o-lantern, scrape out the seeds and stuff (but don't go to too much trouble - it'll come out easier once it's cooked) and roast it in the oven with a little water in the bottom of the pan.
Roasting gives it a great flavor and is so much less work. Once cook, you can easily peel it and puree the pulp.
New to your blog - am enjoying it.
Your pies look great.
I hope you enjoy your time with the girls.
We are having one of those rainy days here too.
WOOT PAT! The pies look yummy! Enjoy your family time with your girls.
Wisconsin Garden Chick- Welcome! I just recently came out of lurker mode here, and everyone has been so nice to me. This is a great group of ladies.
hooray for a great day!!!
Damn those pies look good! Way to go Pat. I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving and your visit with your daughter!
WisconsinGardenChick, that's the best idea I've heard in awile. I still have more to cook and I'll give that method a go. I now know it doesn't take long to cook them.
The turkey has been in for four hours now, basted twice. Time to take off the foil and let it brown. OHHHHHHHHHHHH, smells good in here.
All I can say is that...
I love you! (don't worried, married for 20yrs. with 2 boys lol)
but...you can write, AND you can cook!!!! You're fantastic!!!!
Your pies are beautiful :)
You did more than good Pat. (((((Pat)))))
Hi all!
First time poster but long time reader.
DD, I love reading your blog because you're so smart & really nice without being cloyingly sweet. You're very much like the friends I select in my real life too.
You sound so content today. You definitely deserve it. I meant to wish you a happy birthday.
You're a great writer & I hope that you write a book at some point. I know that it was suggested to you in the past.
To all the other posters, I like reading everybody else's opinion too. It's like a little neighborhood koffee klatch except that it's an intelligent, tolerant community.
I know my comments are a bit disjointed but they are thoughts that I've been meaning write for a while.
Pat - the pies look great!! So glad you'll get to see Casey (and Lis?) today. Would love more detail/recipe on the potatoes in the crockpot...
Hope everything was wonderful, peaceful, and joyfilled for you and your girls :)
best wishes to you as always...and I'm glad your post sounded so happy and content. You deserve it!
Pat, your pies look fantastic! I love those leaves.
And forget about the house. Like I say to everyone I visit (while they apologize), "I came to see you, not the house."
Yummy sounds delicious dd. Ive never had homemade pumpkin pie made out of just a pumpkin and spices.
Pies look amazing, it's really cool to make something from scratch and to have grown the veggies yourself! I did baked ziti with home-made sauce from tomatoes from my garden. Best I've ever had :-)
Your description made me feel like I could almost be at your house. You so deserve today and the happiness that is surrounding you. Enjoy!
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