Friday, November 20, 2009

Play time dress up

Really? I want to tell them to take off mommy's shoes now, it's time for a snack. If they howl I'll blame it on low blood sugar.


Anonymous said...

Gawd almighty. Is THAT what billions buys you these days? No thanks. I'll take Jackie-O style anyday of the week. Dayum, less is definitley more!! That coat looks like a coat that a very fat lady used to wear around here, she thot it was gorg and it hid her fat. Not! That is most unflattering. It looks vintage(used) and may be. But still fugly ass.

Tonya said...

Wow, you hit that right on the head. They look like spoiled little toddlers. Ya think this is how Suri is gonna turn out?

Dirty Disher said...

Yes. I do.

CJ said...

Thought Halloween was over three weeks ago.

These two haven't had any talent since they were four years old.

MomOf4InPA said...

The sad thing is these girls do/did have a line of clothes for tweens and younger. If that is the current "fashion", my girls will be wearing big brothers hand-me-downs til they are buying their own clothes. LOL

Not sure if they still have their line, as I never let my girls wear their clothes. I found alot of it to be inappropriate for little girls, and way to expensive, even for WalMart.

Dirty Disher said...

Don't knock their clothing line to me. If MK and Ash didn't think all little girls are hookers, I'd have no shoes. I wear a size 4 shoe. LMAO!

Frimmy said...

I don't 'get' their "style" but I'm glad you get some shoes out of it.

MomOf4InPA said...

Im glad you got shoes out of it. Unfortunately for my girls, they got big feet from my side of the family. Son 1 is size 15 and really should be 16 but those are even harder to find. Son 2 is size 13 and still growing...sigh Daughter 1 has size 9 foot at 13 yrs old. Daughter 2 has size 8 foot at 11 yrs old. At least for now my shoes are still mine. Size 11 here. Makes it hard to have a shoe fetish, for which my DH is totally grateful. LOL

Anonymous said...

First thought that popped in my mind was "bag ladies"


Unknown said...

omg I thought I had small feet. I'm a size 5.

Anonymous said...

I have size 7 feet and am 5'3", 105 lbs
That's a big ratio of feet to the rest of me, which is good in a windstorm.
How do you walk on size 4s? Do you fall over a lot?

I can't stand these two but I guess they never had a childhood and are still trying to relive one by being selfish and playing dress-up. They seem so self-absorbed.

Alison said...

They never buy anything the right size. I don't think sizes matter to them. It's like if they see something they like, they wear it, no matter how badly it fits. I don't know why they don't realize how awful that looks.

Anonymous said...

You think Suri will also be a heavy smoker like the Olsens? No wonder they never grew!

Dirty Disher said...

LOL anon, yeah, I do fall over. I have huge boobs and tiny feet.

Merette said...

What do these two really DO? I mean, for real? Besides parade around in these get-ups. They are only in their early 20's. Are they going to just cavort around like this till they die? Seriously, what do they do??