Seriously, what if a judge looked at these two idiots who are NEVER home and said, you are not parents, you don't need kids. And the kids were gone. For-EVER. If I was the Queen of the world, that's what would happen. And Kate is telling her story..again..tonight. WTF? Shouldn't there be a rule that if someone "breaks their silence" that they should have had to shut the fuck up for awhile before hand? It looks pretty easy to be "the worlds greatest mom" when you're never home dealing with the wee people shit to me. I know it's been said before, I just get so tired of her. And now I'm tired of Jon too..he's with Deanna, no, he's with Stephanie, not, he's with Kate Two, nope, he loves Hailey, no, he's hanging with child authority Michael Lohan, no, he's talking to a Rabbi because he personally knows Jewish people and that makes him Jewish, no wait, he still loves Hailey, she's his soul mate..no wait, he abuses Hailey, they're on a break. Stick a fork in both these bitches, they're done. You really can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear and you can't make parents out of two people who are NEVER HOME.
Well said. I hope now everybody will stop the Jon lovin' and see this mess for what it really is. He's horrid and Kates as bad. She just doesnt make a public ass of herself with the men she dates. If she dates. On Ellen last week she alluded to the fact that she doesnt. I saw a clip online. I dont watch TV during the day. I am at work. Which is what those 2 people should be doing! And at home when not at work. Kate renewed her nursing license, good idea! She's gonna need that! They are both just spoiled now from all the easy cash & freebies. When its gone I think Jon will suffer the most. He has no work skills. He's a total loser, lazy-ass. He will not work. & Can they even get a job now? Can they actually work? Thats a good question for many reasons.
what if!
I heard that Kate renewed her nursing license because she "doesn't have a job right now and needs to keep options open". Poor her, if only they'd start the exploiting machine back up she'd have some money coming in.
No pity for the stupid.
No one and I mean NO ONE in this universe is going to hire a Kate Gosselin as a nurse. A woman who almost puked taking staples out of her hubbys hair plug wound and who makes her sick child lay on the laundry room floor. It's lewd. She sucks and she's no nurse and I don't care what she went to school for. She's a minion of Satan.
If only!
My mom quit her job when she was about to give birth to me. Even though we were never wealthy, we were a struggling to make ends meet family, she was lucky to have option to stay, she never missed on anything. Our first steps, our dress-up in grown up clothes, our plastic tub baths on the balcony, my first time putting cute hair barretes on my dad's hair, the first time my brother took his diaper off and ran to my mom to have it changed, are forever printed, my mom always had the instamatic close at hand. The first time her and my dad went on a motorcycle road trip (gasp!) without us, she had nightmares about my brother and I not being well the first night away. They had to come back the next day cause my mom was not coping well by leaving us with the grandparents. And my dad is still one of those paranoid parents, my brother and I are on our early 30's now and I'm married lol! I guess when you are a parent, you are a parent first, second, and third. Everything else is put on hold.
It would be so awesome if life was fair. That's all I have to say.
I guess I'm late with this, but I really never kept up with them at the beginning, or at all for that matter. So my question is...what about the grandparents? Don't they have any? Someone PLEASE tell me. I'm lost, dazed and confused!!!!
DD you are so right on thr pulse of the national
disgust of these two overrated famewhores !!
She makes me want to puke everytime I hear her
stupid voice and see her fake phoney lieing
fart face !! I'd love to lock her up in a room and
let Susie Greene tell her what a Fucking Mess she is !
Fucking fake phoney fart face ! Go away and
don't let thr door hit your fucking flabby asses on
the way out!!! Curb your Enthusiam Rocks !!!!
Bayou Jane. Khate alienated her parents and
jobs mum after jons father died he was disallowed
from seeing his brothers until recently. If she could
havecshe would have prevented Jon from attending
his dads funeral all together and skip ahead to the
lawyers office to hear the reading of the will and
collect his inheritance $ 100 k she is EVIL !!!
Btw the reason she disowned her own parents is
cuz the 6 cribs didn't all match and she only wanted
CA$H !!! So they did NOT KNOW HOW TO HELP ?!?!
What a mean & greedy dumb stupid bitch to deny
your children the joys of having grandparents !
Cara & mady felt it the hardest they lost all 4 of their
gp all in 1 swipe from that wicked witch Monster mother of
all mothers she makes ma barker look cuddley ;(
She'll send them off to school or finally drop them with their grandparents when they can't earn their own keep. I don't think either Jon or Kate really want them, just their earning potential.
Jus wondering you are spot on she will use
who ever when it suits her that's her typical M 0
Yeah, Kiki and she had the inheritance, a sizable one, when she started begging and crying poor to collect "love offerings." It was such a greedy fraud.
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