Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Michelle Obama's first visit to the Gulf after the BP disaster

“It is vacation time. Folks are looking for things to do with their kids, and this would be a great opportunity to do a few things -- help this community, send a different message about the extent of the spill, and also think long term about how the rest of the country can help this economy and the folks down here,” Mrs. Obama said at the Panama City Welcome Center.

The Obama family will be taking a mini-vacation of their own this weekend, but instead of going to the Gulf Coast they are traveling to Maine’s Mount Desert Island, home of Acadia National Park.

Mrs. Obama said the word needs to get out to Americans that there are “beautiful beaches” along the Gulf Coast and it’s a great time for families to come down with their kids.

Many people are asking the question, if she thinks the beaches are still so great, why is their family going to Maine? I'm only asking why she wore that dress to make this talk? Are you kidding me?


Angie said...

I thought the same thing about the dress.

CJ said...

WTF, is that her 'oil spill' dress? At first I just thought it was another one of her ugly dress. Then I read your final comment re the dress. Yep, bad bad choice.

Not defending the O family, but considering how long it takes to arrange a presidential trip this might have been planned for months. Then again being President, you have the ability to move heaven & hell. Personally, I'd rather go to Maine and get out of the DC heat and humidity.

pomegranatetears said...

*laughs* I also thought of it as the 'oil spill dress'.

Her showing up is just PR - hey let's have the president's wife show up and say some positive things about beaches so that we can keep the tourist trade up and running.

I wonder if she hates going to the beach (nothing wrong with that - some people do).

miss tia said...

i like the's rather in your face and i like that....

i like her....and i like the president.....

Anonymous said...

OMG! My 1st thot "WTF?, is she kidding with that damn shirt"? Then leaves for Maine? Really? You have got to be f'g kidding me. I hate this county lately. I'm gonna leave & start my own country.

Anonymous said...

Tia...u ARE kidding me, right? I hope that was sarcsam. You do it best! Dayum, you almost had me there!!

MusrMommyinPA said...

Count me in for hating going to the beach. I am fair and heat and sun are not the best things for me. Around here EVERYONE (or at least it seems) goes to the Outer Banks, Cape May, etc for vacation. Me? Next month I am heading north to Vermont.

But having said that, the Obamas need to walk the talk and re-schedule their vacation. If you don't like beaches, wait until you are out of the Oval Office to take your preferred vacation. It is part and parcel to the job. You don't always get to do what you want or go where you want. It is your job to be a voice for the people.

escrow said...

rox, I'll come to your county. This place sucks! And voting is a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

escrow, voting IS a GD f'g waste of our time! & effort. We do not choose the president, that is not decided by the people. It is predetermined by the Bilderbergs, they run all the money in the world so they get to pick the world leaders, duh! But appease the little folks and let them believe they have a part in it. Lies! I tell you! All LIES!!! What shall I call my new country? I used to live in Biloxi. My uncles called me Foxy Roxy from Biloxi! But Biloxi sucks now. The lighthouse is gone too :(


Alison said...

Voting is not a waste of time!

I cannot wait to vote AGAINST Stephen Harper in the next election!

miss tia said...


i was NOT being sarcastic.....totally serious....i like her and i like him....

Christina said...

I voted Obama, but I've never really been sure about him. I just thought they were better than the alternative.
As leaders of this country they do need to be where the action is, and in this case, that is the Gulf states. They should be on a tour, and talking with people down there. There should be repeated photo-ops with the president enjoying himself in New Orleans, observing the state of the wetlands, viewing beaches, etc. He needs to put himself out there, and make sure that the people as well as BP know that he is involved, and does care about what goes on in these peoples' lives.
Going on vacation elsewhere after a message like that from Michele O. is a clear "do as I say, not as I do" situation. I feel they are completely dropping the ball. I wonder if some big honcho for oil told them to stay away from that area, and let industry-types handle it. Big mistake, in my opinion. I have more second thoughts about him as president just knowing this is happening.

Linda said...

Did she say 'put a different 'spin' on the degree of the oil spill' (paraphrased)? Yeah, I thought the same thing, spend a few days yourselves on the beaches of the Gulf coast, then go to Maine. Laughable.

Anonymous said...

Ok Tia, just checking. I also voted Obama. But things are not going the way he promised they would. If I was a Wall Street banker, I would vote him right back in too! But it ain't gonna happen. Michelle is ok, not a real person of interest to anyone. meh...she seems like a well educated mom/wife. Neither here nor there for me. He is a total liar to Americans. Unless you are a big bank or large insurance company or Wall Street crony of his, you are pretty much screwed. I might vote again , just to vote him OUT this time!!! See if it works!! And I dont care who the other candidate is, they get my f'g vote!!!

miss tia said...

i'd vote him again!