This was a feature at the Chelsea garden show. It didn't say how to make it, but, the face is some kind of mosaic. It's sort of a large chia pet. They used ornamental grass for hair. I think you could probably sculpt it out of mud and press grass seed in it. If you got the grass to grow before big rains it would hold its shape. You'd have to trim it all the time though. Anyway, I thought it was very cool.
I'm working on my flower beds and I'm done with big plots of large flowers. Getting them to grow isn't a problem, the cleanup is. Gowd, I'm tired of hauling refuse. It's wearing me out! I think I'll put in a bunch of Arbivite and Yews and call it an evergreen bed. And my tomatoes are going to be in pots this year.
I'm looking forward to getting out there, but for me it's still too damn cold to bother. Cold & rainy. But I can see those damn weeds growing taller every day.
That is so cool!! We are going to have our garden again this year. The garlic is coming up and we put onions and potatoes in the ground Saturday. I can't wait for the yellow squash!!
I have all sorts of perrenials up. Tulips, daffys, hollyhocks, herbs, many things. But, man it's such a mess. It's 72 and rainy. Nice. Oh, and Lissa said she wants to grow grapes. I always let her pick something. Grapes? Sigh.
Nah.. It's still only in the 40's here & 20's at night. We get an occasional nice day here and there, but I won't be able to plant anything until Memorial Day.
Grapes? I wouldn't even know where to begin. You making jelly or wine??
My Tiger lillies are popping up everywhere. I want to go out and yank them up but it's cold and rainy today. They are just too damn invasive and they bloom for such a short period.
DD if you like peppers, try the pots. Mine were amazing last year. I didn't have much luck with the potted tomatoes. Last year was too hot and humid. I only wound up with 1 zucchini and not 1 butternut squash. My cucumbers also crapped out early because of the heat.
I have to decide what to plant where this year. It's time to rotate the crops. The tomatoes have run their course in the usual spot. I had more luck with the wild tomatoes than anything else.
That grass lady looks so cool!
I have snow. But it's 35 today so that's nice.
Grass Lady is really cool.
She is awesome!
They had a few grass creatures at Canada Blooms last week. They made a caterpiller by sewing a landscape mess material into a cylinder and filling it with soil and grass seed. They used Mr. Potato Head pieces for the face. There was also a grass turtle made basically the same way. I'm guessing this is how they made the garden girl. You can make grass heads for children by filling a piece of pantyhose (if you have any laying around, I don't as I don't wear pantyhose anymore) with a bit of grass seed and soil. You can sew in features.
Here is a link to the pictures I took at Canada Blooms, The grass caterpiller is in there. Hope you can see them, I set the page to everyone.
I'd love to be able to grow something like that...this year though, we are focused on privacy and planting trees, trees and more trees!! We put in a pool last year and want to be able to swim in peace and quiet!!
That and I don't like talking to my neighbors :)
Oh, and...my mom was an awful cook, but she use to batter and fry the zucchini and squash flowers and they were really good! Have you ever tried that?
Fuck. Just wrote this long ass post and blogger wouldn't take it. Can't be bothered to retype. Pisses me off. Let's see if this one takes...
And, of course, it did...
Melissa, blogger is a stink pot. I've learned to copy all my comments before I hit post. Just in case. I looked in spam and it's not there. Mysterious post eating bastard alien.
My puke inducing neighbors can look at my backyard full of weeds this year. They want it so bad, they can have it.
I always grow my garden in 5 gallon buckets and it does very well here in NE WI . I grow tomatoes , green peppers, peas, ,green beans, zucchini,and cucumbers. One year I even grew potatoes in tires . I use the Miracle Grow dirt . I really think that the trick is to water every day . The buckets dry out pretty fast when it is hot . Oh and make sure that the buckets have holes in the bottom for drainage . I also always plant in a fertile sign in the increase of the moon .
I always grow my tomatoes in pots--to keep them away from the slugs and rabbits, and to put them in the sunniest spot without tearing up my yard. I had a neighbor once who places her tomato pots in wagons and rolled them around her shady yard to get the best sun all day.
The worst part about it is changing out the potting soil every spring. I use miracle grow as well and it gets expensive.
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