I have a Poltergeist this week. I have no picture, since I haven't seen it. So, the famous movie scene will have to do. This is one of the noisiest ghosts I have ever had. It constantly makes noise and about 10 times a day you will hear an enormous crash that sounds just like someone threw a chair at a metal cabinet full of glass wear. It rattles plastic containers and bags, knocks, taps, walks and just generally causes noise. I'm really hoping it's someone who wants to talk to a client and they come in to work today. Sometimes that happens. People think I can talk to any and all ghosts, but, that's not true. Many times I need a person who knew the ghost there for things to become clear. If it's a random ghost I've picked up, there's no guarantee that it will communicate with me. I hope this thing isn't random because then I just have to wait it out. The noise is on my nerves. And it's making my dog nervous too. Lissa was freaked out by it and I lied and told her it was a raccoon on the roof. But, I was actually outside today looking right at the roof when I heard the crash inside. I've even crawled into the attic to see if anything could make that loud ass noise and there is nothing at all up there. I don't feel afraid of it and not at all threatened, just..gawd, it's so loud and random. It makes you jump. And it stands right beside me, I can feel it. It feels like a male energy.
I have to go to work and I have the feeling something interesting might happen today. I'll let you know. So, what are you up to?
i've had a spirit waking me up at 5:15am for over a week....i figured it was mrs. moss--the lady who lived in my house for over 50 years, perhaps getting up for work...i wake up, look at the clock and go right back to sleep, no loud noise, doggies not barking, no orbs of light, etc; but something is obviously waking me at that time...
the other night i asked nicely before i got into bed if they could please not wake me up at 5:15am because i didn't need to be up at that....i got woke up at 5:22am....hardy har har....since then it's been 5:01am, 5:37am, etc....i don't think it's mrs. moss now as she doesn't usually play pranks....she just goes about her business....
wish i knew who it was and why they were getting their kicks waking me up.....it's getting rather annoying....
holy crap dd, i'd shit my pants if i lived there! how are you not scared?! you're one brave lady that's for sure.
Curious. I think I'd invest in a lotto ticket using 5 as the powerball. Shrugs. You never know.
good idea.....i think the jackpot is pretty high too....hmmm...could play those other numbers too....
would like to know who it is though....i know my neighbor likes to play pranks, but this has been really consistent....so i dunno what's up with that....
My first thought was of your neighbor who passed. Dunno why.
yeah, i tend to think it's her too...she would get up around 5:30 to get ready to go to work....why she's in my house and/or waking me up though, i dunno....i guess cuz i can actually see/hear her???
i know it's her who turns my wii on some days too....i'll turn it off, she'll turn it back on....on/off/on/off/on/off til i finally say 'hey enough unless you're gonna give me batteries'....
she plays a few other pranks too....
We attract them for some reason.
i think because we can see/hear/communicate with them.....
i don't think mrs. moss has ever tried to communicate with me though....when i first saw her after i moved in, i did tell her that i would respect her home and her right to live here too and would hope that she would be okay with me here as i hoped to live here as long as she did.....i still see her from time to time...and i'll hear her too---like the time she was discussing what hat to wear to church on sunday with another lady in the living room, poli heard that too and poli's face was a picture! poli was like where are those voices coming from?!?!?!? but she just goes about her business....
i know my neighbor appears in her family's dreams and tells them she is okay....but that's the only way they can see her...
we use to talk about spirits and she never believed in them....when i told her i saw them, she didn't believe me...she made fun of me for that.....now she's having fun with me! which would be fine if it wasn't so early!
I lived right next door to a cemetery for over 20 years. I spent hours & hours there hoping I would hear, feel, or sense something. Nada..
I have also spent a lot of money & time trying to be hypnotized. Nada..
You are really blessed.
i think cemeteries are about the last place you'd find a spirit....that's where earthly remains are, not spiritual remains....
the only times i've had encounters in a cemetery is one time i saw a lady sitting beside the grave of her child (the child passed away in 1845 at age two according to the tombstone) and she was dressed in that time period and obviously looked like a mourning mother....and at a cemetery in akron when i've walked through there, as it's a beautiful place--glendale cemetery--i've heard the clip clop of a horses and turned and saw a horse drawn hearse and procession...
I've never seen anyone in a cemetary. I lived next door to a real pretty one. Nothin.
And I dunno about it being a blessinng, but, I think they are all around us. Just, they are more clear to some people. I'd really rather not know about them, but, then I'd have to get a real job, ehh.
i personally would rather NOT be able to look at someone and be able to see something about them that will happen to them in the future.....that doesn't happen to me often, but when it does, i'm unfortunately always right....
i think they're all around us too DD....it's like another dimension of existence and some of us sort of straddle both dimensions....
Poltergeists and ass clown trolls. Between the two, I'll take the poltergeists.
DD, what does it mean when you wake up at the same time every night? Like 1:23 am exactly, shaken awake, awake? Is it some kind of internal clock or something spooky. Just so you know, I am a total scardy cat, and all the noises and creeks in my house, well, I explain them away! no celebrity sightings at harley's house today.
Cool! I am pretty sure our house has a spirit...he/she makes my Granddaughter's Toys talk in the middle of the night...and it changes the radio station in the Barn to Spanish Music during the night...I figure he/she is a fun Spanish person who likes to dance! WooHoo!
Dear Anon 8:21...
You got a problem with that idiot??!!??
Lay off, and find another place to bitch. You're really pissing me off!
And yeah, she should go if she wants.... What the fuck do you care? Is it YOUR money??? NO!!!
Thank you DD for allowing me to rant as well. The trolls have just hit the "wrong" note with me tonight... sigh.
Beth in Seville
Agree with Beth. What the hell do you care about it? Not your money, not your life, not your say. What is it with you following Tia's every step?!?!? Aren't there issues you can throw your hate into that would actually benefit your community? I really don't get why you get so riled up with what Miss Tia says/is doing.
so what troll? at least she is being upfront. are you sending her money? is she robbing you at gunpoint? Oh, I see, she probably stole YOUR idea. Yeah that's it. you wanted to do it but she beat you to the punch... she WINS! asshole.
thanks ladies! i am so thankful to DD for her site and it giving me the opportunity to become friends with some incredible women!!
some people don't understand the concept of friendship because they probably don't have any friends....i'm so very thankful for my friends!!
Beth in Seville...how have you been feeling? I know you had surgery a while back. Hope you are doing well!
I would rather fund a ticket for someone to see Charlie Sheen than ANYTHING you support, troll! hahahahahahahahah!
Charlie Sheen is smarter than troll! At least he is making money off his craziness--troll is doing it all for free!
Now we know--troll is jealous of Tia AND Charlie Sheen! haha troll: LOSING!
What business is it of anyone's how someone spends their time, their money, or their lives as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else? I certainly don't judge you, anonymous, for spending an inordinate amount of time on Tia's site. My only question is why you would invite that kind of aggravation into your life? If she bugs you so much then ignore her. Or, at the very least, stay off of her blog. You're seeking out your own irritation and for that you have only yourself to blame. So, you see, it's your own fault that you're so bitter.
Back to poltergeists, do you think it's like that movie, The Others? Where the ghosts go about their own lives without realizing they're the ghosts?
i think it's like that movie...but i also think spirits have more freedom of movement than just being in one spot or 'home' so to speak....
I deleted troll because trolls can't insult Tia here.
And get this, I'm watching celeb ghost stories and the crash happens. I turn around to see the kitchen light bulb go out. But, it didn't just burn out..it exploded with glass shattering and an arc of bright light which arched clear across the room, hitting the window on the other side. WOW!
wow! is right. could someone get hurt? I really wouldn't appreciate the mess tiny little shards of light bulb glass.
People around here can't stop talking about the damn Almanac and the 2 feet of snow we are to get at the end of the month. I sure hope it's wrong I'm going boating this week-end and snow next week will just be annoying.
Can anybody see into the future on that one? Can I put my winter coat away for good?
I was a victim of trolls, trolling whatever you call it. I put a video of myself in a horseshow on youtube and there were some really mean messages and lots of down thumbs! Why, I can't figure it out. Why these losers can't go somewhere else and spread their poison is beyond me. I think they are mental cases. fat ass losers with mega acne faces and inflamed bowels so that the poop cant get out. I like this place, I like Tia and DD and sometimes I sound like a total idiot and no one answers my posts, but I don't care, I still come here and hope for friendship! I will chip in a few bucks for a sick pet or a blanket or a ticket for fun, who cares! The world is ending anyday now!
that's all sincerely
I enjoy your posts Bima. I'm still learning about the dark art of trolling. I am becoming very disgusted. I think Ignore and Delete are the best defense and charge up and focus the positive comments and people.
I suspect if you a troll the deletion of a comment is very dissatisfying.
I'm over trolls. I don't waste a second of my time on them. I also shut off old posts so they can't spew there.
Nothing happened at work except a water pipe broke behind a wall of books. I kinna like the smell of mildew, Glena is fit to be tied though.
Wow, cleaning up a light bulb would be a mess! i'd be rather irked at them.....wonder what they want.....hope you figure that out soon....
and i got my charlie sheen ticket!! i think the show is gonna be sold out as the site was crashing due to traffic and it took me 5 times to get through online to get a ticket! WINNING!!!!! can't wait!!!
that's on april 5th!!
and on the 26th of march is the moondog in cleveland....my friend eddie & i have front row seats this year....i'll take pix & vids as always....this year it's a great line up: america, the rascals, the animals, the spinners and the grass roots!!
For about a month and 1/2 Ive been waking up at 2:30 am or 3 am. Just like Ava. She wakes up screaming I wake up sweating burning up. You cant hear anything at that time. Unless once in awhile a few bumps. Usually I go back to sleep. But It seems very odd. Its almost like Amityville horrors. Like am I going to start growing a beard now? See a bore with red eyes? Is it an over active imagination?
But then you have Ava who tells me a ghost living is the tv and follows mommy around. A Tall one. If that ghost followed me to this new place from my childrens fathers house I WILL BE PISSED.
If something is bothering a child, it's time to take action. Seriously. Burn some sage, tell it to leave, sprinkle salt around her bed. Also, talk to her and make it not scary. I might do a post on hauntings concerning children.
You know DD. I have no clue. We have moved 3 times and know number 4 since she has been born. She is being potty trained at the moment. Cami her sister sleeps in her room at the moment. Ummm She is with my parents when im working. Thats about all I can tell you.
Last night was Night Puppy dreams. She was waking up screaming and going back to sleep. Not sure what is going on. Maybe Cami wakes her up? Not sure
I found out who my ghost is. His mom and sister came in, he talked to them and everything is quiet now.
He was obviously very anxious to talk with them. How did the mom and sister respond?
I keep trying to tell you it's the transvestite part of you trying to possess you. You're in the initial stage of your conversion. Eventually it will become you.
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