Friday, June 5, 2015

Jiggidy Jag

He's like a Dead Milkmen song, peek e boo, guess what? I got no eyes!!! Sorry, that was morbid, but, so far, true. But, every morning I get to wake up and see this, so I've got no complaints. You have to admit the cuteness, just go with it. I got very good vocals from him this morning. I still had to wake him up first, but, while I was heating the milk, he chittered away and then started wooting. It goes like this, 'Woot, ahhh, WOOT, WOOT?' High pitched with a question at the end. It's the universal Raccoon identification request. Put simply, he was crying for me and calling me ma. I am honored, Jag.

The problem is...THIS is what he should look like for a newborn with eyes still closed. You see? Yep, those are someone's fingers under that blanket. It gives you a size idea. It's a worry, but, like I said, maybe he's just a super big male. (I once saw a male who weighed over 80 pounds in adulthood. His back feet were twice the size of mine.) He sure is sweet though. He really is. They aren't all sweet as newborns, some can be fierce. (Though they all are cute as hell.) But, Jag is super sweet. He's a little bundle of love.

Great news, I was, just now, taking a selfie with him and he reacted to the flash. I turned off camera sounds and did it some more and he jumped every time it flashed. He has at least one eye under there!!! I can feel a round ball on the right side now. I am betting his eyes went back in his head from dehydration. I am so happy he has an eye and reacted to bright light!! That's such a good sign. He's about to yank my lip off there. ~laughing~


Anonymous said...

Awww. . .he is really cute. Maybe there really is something different about him and that's why he was abandoned. I hope he does have eyes in there. He sounds really sweet. If he is not able to fend for himself at the appropriate time, would you be able to keep him as a pet?
It sounds as though he might bond with you.

Dirty Disher said...

In answer to your questions, I have no idea. But, we found an eye! It's under the right side. I added some pics. I am so happy for him. We have already bonded. To him, I'm his mom.

Jane said...

How could anyone not think he's too cute? I hope his eyes are OK. Does he have any drops that might soften the lids? Maybe they are dried out or crusted on the inside from being dehydrated.

Dirty Disher said...

I gently rub them with the warm damp cloth before I do his butt with it. He's had one bath so far. Only because he had an accident and also a flea or two.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you found an eye!! YAY!! He is adorable.

Unknown said...

I love this little guy and I'm rooting for him so much. Not a whole lot to make me smile this week, but your posts on him (and especially the photos) sure do. :) Thanks for that.

Looking forward to watching him grow and open his peepers!!

Dirty Disher said...

I'm so glad you're all with me!

Angie said...

Regarding his head, is it possible he's just a little older and certain features were stunted due to the abandonment?

Anonymous said...

Too cute for words! I so hope he will make it.

Jane said...

I shared your story with my neighbor. She is the person everyone brings the strays to. She gets them back to health and then finds them homes. She delivered golden retriever puppies and potbelly pigs last night, all night long. She was out trying to find the baby ducks that hatched recently. They have a little pom-pom on their heads. None of these are hers. She did it for someone else. Moved them all into her garage when it came time for birthing. She loves it.

Kitty said...

Aww, what a sweetie. Good to know he's reacting to the flash. So cute.

sally said...

Maybe he was the runt, mom had had enough and ditched him. Keep on feeding him and he'll probably get HUGE!!

Dan Zinski said...

An eyeless raccoon would be sad.

Anonymous said...

Keep us posted, pics too. I'll be checking every time I get a chance

Anonymous said...

He is so freakin' cute, Pat!!! Those pictures with him snuggled up along side your face are adorable!!! Keep feeding us pictures, and let us know how he is doing. I hope you can just keep him as a pet. Is that wrong? I'm not sure if I care if that is wrong.

Dirty Disher said...

Angie, I don't know. I just have no way of knowing what he went through or for how long, but, I know now, that he was in real bad shape when I got him. Now that he's feeding more normal, he is more and more like any other raccoon. He's just so big.

Border, thanks. I have no doubt now that he will make it.

Jane, I like your neighbor. Thanks for telling me that.

Kitty, thanks.

Sally, no way was this boy the runt. He's like a tank. :)

Melvin, it would, wouldn't it? I have no idea what I'll do with him if he's vision impared. He can never go back to the wild, if that happens. And I can't have him in town. There is no way I want him to spend his life in a cage.

Thanks, anon.

Christina, Thanks. No, they should never be pets. They aren't suitable to be pets when they get older. (Not because of meanness, because of strength and curiosity.) They are technically in the Bear family, but, I think they're more like chimps. They ARE an awesome summer pet for older kids. No, if he can't go back to the wild, I will look for other options for him. I mean, yeah, there's a tiny one in a million chance that he'd be fine here, in captivity. I had one that was. But, that was one out of all of the many, many, coons I've raised. AND I didn't live in town, so no one cared. Here, it might be difficult. It might be impossible. I have bonded with the little shit already, so it will be a tough call. Let's just all hope he does well and can be released. That would be the best thing for him.

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks for the posts about the little guy. I always learn something new on this blog!