Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Bristol Palin, still a stupid cunthole

Stupid cunthole Bristol Palin, now claiming this pregnancy is planned..AH HAH HA HAHAHHAHA! now spewing hate against the Supreme Court for their decision NOT to pass some fuckerage that would close Texas abortion clinics. Wait, that isn't Bristol's pic.

Sorry, I got her confused with my dead eyed, plastic headed Crissy doll, who was also in my photo files. Anyway, Bristol-Cunt is very upset. She thinks Lena Dunham is celebrating along with the rest of us baby killers. Bristol Cunt wrote, "While celebrities like Lena Denham are celebrating the Supreme Court’s decision in the name of choice, what is happening here is placing the murder of babies on a pedestal." Like she's yelling right in our faces. Again, HAHHAHAHHAHH HAHHAHHA!

Dear Bristol Cunthole Palin, wrong again. While Bristol-cunt is actively enjoying (hahhaha) her CHOICE to carry a pregnancy to term and demanding that we not say anything negative about her reproductive CHOICE, she continues to champion taking other women's choice away. It's just plain stupid and weird. Why can't she see what a hypocritical, cunting, douche she is? Her whole family is. She needs to be deprogramed. De-Palinized. De-cunted. Besides, how is removing a few uterine cells a murder? She doesn't even make sense. She posted a photo of herself shooting a gun, like taking a stand. Is she going to go shoot people going into the clinics? Wouldn't that kill the baybay?? OMG, the baybays, someone think of the BAYBAYS. I'd hate to be going into the clinic for an STD or bladder infection right now. A Palin-cunt might kill you before you could tell them you aint pregnant wiff no baybay.

Besides, she spelled Dunham wrong. I think if I was well known and talking shit, I would double spell check. I think also, I will start spelling her name as Bistool or Brisdull. Middle name CUNThole. WTF is a Bristol anyhow, does anyone know? And do not ask me how all choice advocates got lumped into a celebrating with Lena group. She's gross too. Bristool-CUNThole, you are dumb. Like your entire famBilly.

(Gowd, I hope she googles this.)


Kim Kardshian said...

Bristol Cunthole Palin can keep her goddamn fingers out of my twunt and anything that happens to be in it at any given time like maybe my Cartier vibrator or Kanye's head or the crotch of my fishnets that keeps bunching up and getting stuck in there all the time like a stupid bastard thing.


Dirty Disher said...


Anonymous said...

Aren't those Republcans pretty war-obsessed? That's killing but I guess God doesn't mind. I guess he looks at the world through Palin's eyes.

Anonymous said...

I think Bristol was named after Bristol Bay. I think there is a city of Bristol, too.

mary_mary said...

The stupid apple doesn't fall from the crusty old apple tree, does it? What angers me most is that media pays any attention to this dolt, and her mother. Stop paying her ilk attention and the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Truly gifted, talented Americans struggle while this idiot is rolling in the dough. Sigh.