Monday, July 6, 2015

Jiggy Jag George Cooney, gettin' bigger


Jaggy, wee George, baba baba Toon, had tons of visitors over the holiday and he was pretty nice to all of them. I was really glad, because in just the last few days, he's changed. He is no longer always a sweet, docile newborn. We've all been nipped in fun and I've been bitten for real. It was expected, but, not this soon. He's going to be a fierce one, I can tell. Some of them are and some aren't, but, he will be one to keep my eye on. He does it when I try to make him do something he doesn't want to do. That's why Coons don't make good pets. You just can not reason with them, they do what they want.

Every face needs a kiss.
He's growing, climbing, playing, he needs constant supervision. It's exhausting. Endlessly entertaining. He got attacked by the Rooster, who is jealous of him. That Rooster held on and acted like a flapping steam roller. Casey was shocked and she broke it up. I was laughing. It's okay. He wasn't hurt and he needs to know, not everyone is a buddy. He has to learn that some things will bite back. It scared him, but, now he wants a rematch. He climbs up high and stares the Rooster down, waiting for his chance. He wants to kick some chicken ass.

Lissa helps, she played with him for an hour last night and it gave me a break. Indie loves him too, but, he's still jealous and I have to watch him. Though the Coon got loose once and when we found him, he was playing with Indie and acting all Cooney. No harm, no foul. He's losing his baby fuzz and growing his real coat. It's happening from the top down, so it looks like he's wearing wool pants. You can see it in the pictures, it's funny looking.

I know they aren't pets, but, I still have to convince myself at times. Like now, when he's laying against me purring and stroking my face, staring into my eyes like I'm the second coming. Wait until bath time when he lays into me like I'm trying to kill him. Coons are not pets. Coons are not pets. Coons are not pets X 1000. But, sometimes he's such a little angel. Heh heh.


Unknown said...

That's some beautiful faces you got there.

Kim Kardshian said...

Still not as cute as my twunt.

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks, Lauren. I love my faces.

Jane said...

You and Casey J. could be twins and I know you're happy to have your girls home. Jag looks so happy, but Indie is definitely keeping an eye on him.

Unknown said...

I just love that Lil guy.

Unknown said...

I just love that Lil guy.

Unknown said...

I just love that Lil guy.

Anonymous said...

Background: I have nothing against animals, but truth be told, I'm not an "animal person." If I see an obviously lost, confused dog, I will try to help it if I can. I'll call animal control to at least pick him up so he doesn't get hit by a car. I like cute animal videos as much as the next person. But I have no pets of my own, and haven't had for a long time. I'd like to get a dog again at some point, but I do worry about the "neediness." My kids are almost completely independent, and I'm really looking forward to it all being about me for awhile. I wouldn't want to wake up to a scared, whining puppy four times a night; not right now. Also, I'm not a big fan of the smell, the hair all over the house, the barking every time the doorbell rings, etc. I can't with cats, at all, and even the idea of anything else seems utterly out there. Just laying it on the table, because of course it's obvious how much of an animal person you are, so please take this with the knowledge of my background and basic ignorance of the animal world.

Not the be the turd in the punchbowl, and I haven't read every post concerning George, but an honest question from a concerned reader: Where are you going with this? I can't remember where you found him, but what I've gotten from the posts I've read is that he is extraordinarily big for his age. He's already biting, hard, and has let you have it a few times. He's circling the chickens and the cat. Here's the future scenarios that seem likely to me (again, forgive my ignorance):

You're going to be cuddling him and cooing to him sometime soon, and he's going to crane his neck up and try to bite your face off.

He's going to get agitated, start scratching, and land several gashes on you of sufficient size to require an emergency room visit.

He's going to go at it with the cat, and one of them, probably the cat, is going to get seriously wounded and possibly die.

He's going to kill the chickens, the second he gets big enough and gets the chance.

I mean, what's the plan with him? Are you eventually going to just put him outside and tell him to beat it? Will he, or will he hang around the yard, waiting to be fed? What if he gets pissed off because you threw him out, and spends the rest of his over-sized days prowling the grounds, waiting for you to come out so he can attack you? Even if he does leave, will he be able to survive? He's been hand-fed by humans, and he's probably imprinted on you. Will his feral instincts take over? I know people have raccoons as pets, but they look incredibly dangerous to me.


Anonymous said...

I feel u have some sort of end plan, a place for the baby raccoon. I guess I don't worry ur intentions and ability. u've got it going on, great intuition, and solid knowledge. my best to u and that little guy.

I'm enjoying all ur writes Pat. u r my end of night read, whether it's a rant or a down home story, ur blog and group of loyal commenters shore up the walls of a rapidly crumbling life. mine.

take care
race fantastic

Dirty Disher said...

I plan to release him in a nice place with a good water source far, FAR from people. I also plan to teach him as much as I can, about how to take care of himself and find food, like his real mother would have. Males are more scavenger than hunter. I do have experience with them, nearly every thing you listed could happen. They are not pets. He will never hurt the cat though, that's not a thing. His instincts will kick in when he sexually matures in early fall. If he's on time, if he isn't THAT will be tough. I'll need a new plan. He needed help and I helped him. I think it will improve my karma somehow. I relate to the nature spirits a lot and think they're real. I also enjoy doing this most of the time. It makes me happy when I can help some wild life along.

Race, what's wrong with your life?

Dirty Disher said...

PS, yesterday, he was introduced to a Mulberry tree. He wasn't impressed, but, he will remember it next year when he will be impressed. As for real injury to me, not likely. They challenge their mother when it's time to go. They get in a huge mock battle and she runs him off. This may happen two or three times before the cub is out for good. They DO maintain contact sometimes. Though, she wouldn't let him near new babies, mother raccoons and their children DO remember each other and greet each other fondly. Anyway, what I'm saying is, he will most likely turn on me when he gets ready to go. That's how I'll know. But, he probably won't hurt me. It will be a bluff.

Jane said...

I really hate to see that day come, but I know it will. I will miss watching him grow. They can be so human-like at times.
My husband had one when he was a boy. His name was Zeke. When it was time, Zeke went into the woods behind their house. They moved soon after so he never knew if Zeke ever came back.

Dirty Disher said...

Jane, you're like me, I attribute Human qualities to animals too, but, it's probably an insult to animals, lol. Zeke..if that boy didn't come back for food in a week, he most likely made it and loved being free. That's been my experience from watching them. If one of mine didn't come back in 3 or 4 days, I'd go looking. When I'd find that one, it would be like, fuck you, I'm a wild animal now. Though, every one would still recognize me as the mom, even years later. I'd at least get a friendly HUFF and sniff.

Dirty Disher said...

RACE..what's up??

Anonymous said...

I just checked. I forget I reach out.

it's weird Pat. a domino drop. seems the only way it's going to end is with a death. it hit me today. that thought. who thinks that?!?

that's not me. I always think things will get better. I can't draw a decent card. none of the decks talk. stones feel dead. I've actively shielded myself twice, not the usual, this was almost tangible, the assault so deliberate, does this make sense? it was a strong one, that one. but someone's been in for awhile. jealous and dark, I thought I was imagining it. I don't share this stuff. I trust ur sincerity. there's so much physical plane chaos, I can't right my energy for the psychic assault. I need to do a cleansing, I can't get my bearings. how crazy does this sound?

life/things weren't perfect, but Pat, this is nuts. there's so much activity in my bedroom at night. always above my head. and the real life hits, constant. I'm reeling. my kids r safe. that's number one. they're grown, but good. but if it's me, the one gone. they won't be secure.

its difficult forming the words for all this. opening up about this. there is no one I know to share this with. thank u Pat.


Dirty Disher said...

Listen, I don't think you're nuts or imagining it. I've been through it. I had some sort of possession going on once. I won't go into it, but, it was bad and it took months to get rid of it. I have also had just plain old people ghost hang around and talk and not make sense. You don't know how to help them. Once I 'caught' a child (seemed like) spirit that hung around for ages and all she could say was 'I'm 12, I'm,12, I'M 12!!! It drove me half nuts. Okay, YOU are being targeted. First thing I'd do is NOT sleep in that bedroom, see if that helps. Can you sleep somewhere else, anywhere else? Then at least you'd know if it's that room it's centered in. It's fucking with you, putting it's angry, depression on you. Maybe a suicide or just a mean person. Because you're sensitive, it's concentrating on you. Try and find out if it was religious. Put a jesus pic or cross in the bedroom and see if it bothers it or comforts it. (I say this because in America, it's usually a Christian spirit.) If it gets madder, you know not to call a minister or priest. That can make things worse. Also try native American stuff. What I'm saying is, find out what makes it tick. Keep your protection up every day. Keep telling me more in any comments. I read them all. We will figure this out.