Friday, July 3, 2015

NZ man makes a church out of trees

A man in NZ made this on his property. He didn't just make the church, which is an undertaking in itself, but, look at all that! It's a maze of coolness. (This is real nature worshiping!) This guy must love mowing his yard. He must sit on that mower and think up this stuff as he gets into the hypnotic mowing state. (That's how I imagine he came up with this.) There are more pics HERE and some of how the church was started, in case you want to try it. I've messed with trees. I've woven them, braided them, made arches. I've made corn houses. I've tried teepees. It's all cool, but, this guy took on a shit load of work for these projects! Can you even imagine? Not to mention the money for all these plants. Some of them are relocated trees, that's what he does for a living. Is that a real job?? What ever, I am a-mazed. He now has people lined up to get married on his property. I can see why. I think he needs a couple of Swans and some Peacocks and he's made a version of his Heaven. I'll bet he has a lot more fun mowing now too.

I love this ground view. Such a nice contrast with the Birch/Poplar looking white trunks against the dark green of the other trees. I also really admire his topiaries and that Willow on there he made into a shrub. I wonder how you do that? It's like a green waterfall.  That one has me baffled.

See? I have Willow shrubs, they are not the same. That's a Weeping Willow kept small. How the fuck do you do that without losing the shape?

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