Thursday, September 17, 2015

Open post...

I just realized no one has ever said a word about my header and it's time to change it. I guess no one liked it as much as I did. It was the first time I ever got a clear photo of a Dragon Fly. I have taken literally hundreds of blurry DF pics, but, that one time! He was posing. Anyway, still waiting for news about Tooney. Trying to get two more weeks to work with him on being out alone. But, I am not turning him over, so, I'll get the time one way or another anyhow. And we have no water here in this end of town because a water main broke. And the shittiest part is, I knew it was coming. I knew it last night, I had one of those mind flashes. But, it was late and I doubted myself and didn't get off my ass to store some water for flushing and coffee. That's fucked up. But, my back is really hurting and I was tired. How's your day?


Angie said...

I'm impressed that the dragon fly pic is yours. I thought it was a stock image. Very nice.

My day is okay, just started to rain. Makes sense, since I'm leaving for lunch in a few minutes and planned on getting groceries. I had a ton of things planned for today, but turns out a few of them fell through, leaving me a lady of leisure. Until I pick up my grandkids, that is. I have a movie to watch, the newest one with Blake Lively, who I really don't care for, but my daughter assures me that this movie is great, so I'll see.

Be REALLY careful about letting that animal control warden be around the raccoon. Those guys like to shoot first and ask questions later. We had a bobcat get caught in a claw trap here a few months back and DNR called animal control to come assist in getting it out alive. Animal control wouldn't touch it and DNR ended up losing two fingers in the process. The bobcat ended up dead. Fucking trappers really piss me off.

Dirty Disher said...

I rarely use stock, unless it's something famous, like Bubbles or some statement. Most of the headers have been my own. I think I'll put my initials in my own now.

Raining here too. Storms. The authorities expect me to turn this young coon loose in storms. Isn't that crazy? That Blake Lively movie is really boring. I just saw it. The game warden is gone for now, I'm dealing with the dog catcher (who's afraid of coons and dogs) and the parks people. But, there's a secret there, I can't tell. But, anyway, I'm gonna say, he's loose, go find him. Which is not a lie. So, I can say it with a straight face. He is not my prisoner. He's just a bit too young to go far and I will not help them. I will take him to their proposed location (which is a good one) in a couple of weeks when he's ready. Anyone who's raised Coons knows, they leave in October. And I am so sorry for that bobcat and the person who lost fingers. I honestly, and this is not a brag, think I could have gotten that bob cat out for you with no injury to either of us. Some people just have a way of dealing with wild animals and some don't. Tooney can be fierce, have no doubt. If someone besides me tried to wrangle him, he would take a finger or two. Perhaps a nose too. I will tell them that. Let's see what happens.

ps I DESPISE trappers unless they live in the far North and off the land. No one else has the right to inflict such horror on animals.

Anonymous said...

I am off sick. Felt really awful with multiple symptoms yesterday, and this morning my temperature is back down, but I still don't feel right.
Emma let me sleep until about 7 am, which is really unusual. She didn't wake me at all during the night. Most often she is up at about 2 am, and then doesn't always want to come in, so I have to hunt her down. This was nice. I could get used to it.
I am in the midst of trying to arrange for refinancing of the house. I have never been a numbers person, and this is like a foreign language to me. Day before yesterday I got an email from a refinance company, and just decided to fill out a few bits of information to see what they could do for me. I stopped part way through the multiple screens they were sending me through, and exited the process. I thought that would be the end of it, but apparently I put in just enough to guarantee that I would be contacted. By many, many, many companies. As it turns out, this was a site that multiple companies subscribe to, and, luckily, I only put in my home phone, so I don't have to worry about multiple calls to my cell, also. I have probably gotten about 50 calls so far.
It's pretty scary business, what with the threat of the interest rate going up today, or very soon, according to the news. I don't really know how to pick or what to look for, so I am just making myself do the best I know how.
My (still, for the time being) husband had a car accident a few days ago. He was in the old Mercedes (huge, gold, thing we called "the behemoth") and got T-boned. The car is a loss, because the amount of repairs to the passenger side, and its age. Too bad as it was a really nice car. He fractured ribs and has a lot of bruising. He wants me to sign the title so he can scrap it, but has no clear plan of how to meet with me as he is taking some serious pain medication, and they will come for the car on Friday morning.
I am trying to wrap my brain around the idea that this place will be mine. All mine.
My attorney has told me that I can box up George's things and put them out in the shed. I like that idea, though it is a lot of work. Once again, it makes me do all the work for him, but I guess it's better than having him come over and root through everything in search of things that he probably got rid of some time ago. I would be afraid that some of the things I want would "accidentally" find their way into his things. Maybe not, though. Hard to figure.
It seems this is a crossroads. I guess we will see how things shake out in a month or two.
This is my favorite time of year. I am an autumn girl. My goal is to clean off the entire front porch, and have my choice of furniture out there with decorations before Halloween.
I didn't realize that you took that picture of the dragonfly yourself. That's a great picture. I love to see dragonflies, but am a little afraid of them. I grew up with my mother's tales of a nurse she knew who was stung by a dragonfly, on her leg. It took the nurse a long time to recover, and she always walked with a cane after that. I don't know how many times I heard that story, or just references to it. A few years ago, I bought her a potted outdoor plant for her back deck, and a dragonfly ornament (because it was iridescent blue, and she loved blue). She immediately berated me for getting her a dragonfly because of the person she knew who was stung. I didn't think that would still be an issue, but clearly, it was. I think of her, and that story is in the back of my mind every time I see a dragonfly. They are beautiful, though.

Dirty Disher said...

I have always thought DFs were capable of stinging, they are carnivores. I don't know anyone who's been stung though. A lot of things can bite that people think can't. Like fucking crickets and slugs. (Yuk, kill them all.) I like DFs though. I also like that you can box up his shit and put it out. YOUR house. I like that too. Changing seasons, changing times. I think I'll miss my chickens, but, I'm okay with it because I had to use the crutch again today. These new patches are not the same as the others. The fuckers at the pharmacy always tell me these diff generics are exactly the same, but, they are not! It pisses me off so much. Also, they told me yesterday it would be 60 bucks for needles for my BG meter and I had no prescript. I called my doc and he was all confused because he DID give me a scrip for a years worth of needles and test strips. Which Medicaid covers! GD Pharmacy. They fuck up constantly.

OMG, the water is back on. I have to go give the chicks fresh. This is the first day ever my animals had to drink dirty water.

Dirty Disher said...

PS, the chicks are going to a sort of friend. I don't hang out, but, I know her and she's sweet, likes animals and lives outside of town. She can keep me posted on FB too.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy there is plenty of evil afoot. I have so much to do and evil is afoot. The sister blew up again with her "o my gawd, oy gawd" but I don't understand.
I'm not feeling well yet. Need to to do so much.

Anonymous said...

Who is the "yes" poster who showed up on the post before last? I see someone like that once in a while and it bothers me. Do try to keep a case of water in the van. I know it's either too hot or cold to sotre it there but there must e someplace.
O I am miserable.

Dirty Disher said...

I dunno, Border.

BUT...Tooney has officially been released. They accepted that he is a free agent. So, what Coon? :) I am a happy witch.

Jane said...

Hey, I thought that was a stock pic. See what you get when you take pro pics! We just assume it came from the net. And please do claim your work. Then we will know. You have used so many great pics.

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks, it was just luck. I take suck pics and we all know it. I liked that one though.

Frimmy said...

I thought it was a stock photo also. I liked it but it's even better knowing you took it. Now I wish I had admired it more.

I've off all week. I accomplished nothing because I painted the week before do everything was done. I need liner to line the drawers of the dresser I bought of Kijiji. A real find! My son got his licence, and is buying a car. He gets it Saturday.

Frimmy said...

*fist bumps auto correct* We are doing awesome at giving the impression I'm on drugs!!

shelly said...

Tooney was our mascot! A special little soul, he is. Things are changing outside, colors changing, weather, the smell. It's time to start planning the hunker down time of year. I think I'm ready- there's too much pressure to "get things done" in the summer, none of which I did. I only got 2 sweet 100's in a pot, and morning glory's in this year. I still have sunflower stalks from our "contest" from last year.
Hey Pat, I've been off work a week and stuck on the couch- try to find Wild, with Reese Witherspoon. Really awesome movie, it's on HBO on demand right now, so it's probably on YouTube too, also if you have Netflix, The Wrecking Crew is amazing! I'm going back to work Sunday, thank Jeezus! I bored out of my mind. I need structure.
I miss that funny little Nugget already, he's like my Darby, so innocent and honest. Never afraid to be an ass, or clown.

Dirty Disher said...

I'd like to see your dresser, Frim! Whatys; Kijiji? Congrats to your son. Now you worry.

Shelly, I saw Wild. I loved it too. I found the secret to getting new movies on You Tube, they are not titled. I have a password for Netflix that never works, so You Tube is my go to. Hulu has too many commercials and so does Cracked. Anyhow, Wild was my kind of movie. I need that life, but, I'd have a fucking gun. I can't believe anyone would go to the wilderness without a gun. Still good though. I like Reese's movies. She picks scripts that I usually love.

Tooney is free, fine and dandy. The city can suck it.