Saturday, September 26, 2015

Tips and tricks for keeping caged animals happy

What's this? It's all sealed up! Something inside smells good and it rattles! Must have, now!

Ha! I have it torn apart, it has goodies! I must eat the paper too! Grr, it fights good.

He never missed a meal, so he never saw food as a problem. Taking a marshmallow from a wild Coon would not be recommended, however. But, this one? Awww, he doesn't mind. He understands that there will always be more food in his world.

Balls are good. Balls that jingle are really good. I would avoid balls that talk. They drive you insane.

Is that...a cookie??? You have the cookies?? I am cute, give me da cookie!

Lots of space, ropes to climb, sleeping baskets, mine all mine!

What's this!? An old pan with ice cubes, good for at least 30 minutes of interested play. When the ice melts, the grapes float! When you spill all the water out, then you can eat the grapes and pee in the pan! Great fun.'s nap time. Wild animals are only good for short bursts of energy, then they sleep.

Any time you have any sort of animal, but, specifically a wild animal, they do need to be caged sometimes. Maybe they're out of sorts, maybe you have company, maybe they're too rambunctious at times, maybe you just need a break. It's okay to cage sometimes as long as you make sure they don't get bored. They need plenty of space and toys. I invent puzzles and challenges for them all the time. It's fun, costs nothing and makes them happy. Happy play gives me a break too. Wild animals sleep a lot and they need a safe sleeping place. But, they also need a space to play alone. To be happy. They should never, ever sit in a cage bored. It's not right. Just food and water is not enough for an animal this smart and curious, it is the rehabbers responsibility to provide them with mind stimulation too. It has it's own reward in the things you get to see them do.

Can you guys think of any good play ideas? Any puzzles or challenges you could come up with?


Dirty Disher said...

BTW, I wasn't going to update until November, but, I can tell you this. He who shall not be named has now learned to come when I call, 'kitty, kitty'. This is a good thing. It means I can call him back in the dawn hours without alerting anyone about exactly who I am calling.

Last night he had his first fight. It was loud and scary and I broke it up. Which was unsettling for me, to say the least, because I have no yard light. Dark as hell and growling, snarling hell, but, no one was hurt. Everyone was fine, though, truthfully, too close to the wild one for me. It actually ran over my foot!! I guess they were just being what they are. He was scared, but, not hurt at all and didn't want to come in. So, I let the cats out to play with him and went back to bed. It was a good decision. They all had fun and the wild ones stayed in their area. I could tell by the way they acted and the debris they left. My fall door wreath is trashed. That's okay, I have another one.

Anonymous said...

He looks so healthy. Beautiful coat, sleek, and happy. You have made a great life for your kitty.
My only suggestions as to puzzles for your kitty to work on are not helpful to you (they involve the gift that truly keeps giving---comcast). Yes, the horrendous party continues.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh god, fuck Comcast. Seriously fuck all these companies that want your first born for service. But, yeah my fat umm cat is so healthy and big for his age. Lots of varied food, baths, flea treatments, the works. He did good in the fight, he lost, but, he didn't chicken out. It's amazing how they can fight like that and shake my walls, but, not leave a scratch. They are rough, tough boogers for sure.

All I could think baby!!! I probably should have stayed out of it.

Vanessa - SA said...

They are so cute! Although I expect they could take a hefty chunk out of you if they wanted too.

Have you tried treats in a bottle with a small opening?