Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Personally, I just love Slut-O-Ween, though I'm too old now to join in. I really enjoy seeing which one of my friends doofus daughters show up with their kids to trick or treat me dressed in their best Slut-O-Ween gear. And it's always because they have a 'party' later. Tee hee, ohh, they're so embarrassed. I know I'm an asshole, but, it cracks me up. I slutted up a few Slut-O-Weens myself, but, only when I was bartending. Slut-O-Ween was good tipping!

This one is Freddy Kruger..ohhhh, I'm so scared!! Aren't you? It really gets good when they hit your house last and they've been tipping a few in the car. (With someone else driving, of course.) Half drunk on your bare ass Slut-O-Ween is a riot to watch. Walking up my gravel drive in knock off stilettos, in the dark, is fucking hilarious. Frederiks of Slut-O-Ween. You have not seen comedy until you've seen Slut-O-Ween from behind a bar, sober, at last call. I wish I had a dollar for every time I've said, 'Come on, sweetie, let's get down off the table before you fall, okay?' I'd buy a yacht. I'd call it the S.S. Slut-O-Weener.


Anonymous said...

LOL! You put a fun edge on something I hate. I love Halloween (fuck harvest festival), but I hate the slut-o-ween stuff. Why not keep it what it was? I love fun costumes, but everyone with their boobs hanging out, and in corseted shit that's too short??? Well, I guess it is sort-of scary, depending on who it is on.
I went to an interesting party, a few years ago. It was at a male friend of my husband's and mine. He was recently divorced from his wife, who introduced my husband and I. He had a male support group going, and they, and a few women, had a Halloween party. Inexplicably, the men all came as women (except the host), though they are all hetero. The women came as sluts, with the exception of me. I didn't know I would be able to make the party until the last minute. I went to a thrift shop on the way to the party and bought a mismatched fitted and flat, patterned sheet and slit a hole in the middle of each, for my head to go through. I also bought a tiara. I was going as a queen-sized (tiara) unmade bed. It was uncomfortable when I saw what everyone else was wearing. I just don't like the slut aspect. Though from your observations it sounds fun. (My husband insisted on wearing a short, old nursing uniform of mine (I was pretty skinny, so it was tight) with fishnets and heels).
It was a great party, but weird with so many men in wigs and skirts.

Dirty Disher said...

LOL thinking of your husband as a nursie. I like the bed idea, it's clever. I love clever homemade costumes. At the bar, I always saw lots of them, because we always made it a big deal with a band and shit. I made one for a friend, we paper mache'd a Joe Camel head and costume and she won first place! She split the winnings with me ($100) and we had a good time. Miss Kitty was my best costume, homemade. You know, that biotch from Gunsmoke? Lots of cleavage. Many tips. I just love Halloween and I don't mind the girls being slutty. It's the one night of the year you can dress like a real whore and not be thought of as a whore. Some have great bodies, which are cute, but, the not so cute ones crack me up too.

Dirty Disher said...

PS, I have a thing for cross dressers, ever since I saw RHPS. I would have loved that party.

Anonymous said...

Pat let me know if you see the pix of Mikey on FB, my page, and the one I sent to your email last night of me and Mikey. If so and you want to see Mikey in costume I can sent to email also.

Dirty Disher said...

Sorry, I am not ignoring you, I just have a shit of a time getting in that email box. I'll try again today.