Monday, November 30, 2015

Casting a Fire Ant Colony with Molten Aluminum (Cast #043)

Really interesting, really beautiful result. Plus..fuck ants.


Jane said...

Absolutely beautiful. More amazing is someone thought to do this. I would like to see more of it.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That is beautiful, and a little bit freaky. I was a little bit concerned when the whole colony was burning, but it turned out well.

Dirty Disher said...

If you want to try it, aluminum can be melted on a kitchen stove or a wood fire. It's very soft metal. Just be sure to use a cast iron pot. I used to do alum castings with grade school kids and a hot plate. 6th graders did fine. We did very small amounts for safety and cast into sand to make jewelry.

cheryl brown said...

i'd like to do that with these damn ground moles that are tearing up my yard! bastards. my drunk neighbor has tried shooting a gun down the holes & pouring gas in there & setting them on fire but those didnt work. (duh) & he is a teacher. i heard dryer sheets repel them & in the spring when those mounds start popping up, im shoving them down in the holes, lol. gotta be worth a try.

Dirty Disher said...

My cats kill moles. I hate it. We don't have many and I think they're cute. I can see how a large colony would be a pain though. Do you have a cat?

Dirty Disher said...

I just don't think shoving or pouring anything in the holes would work because they have multiple escape routes. Poison is gross, a horrid death and pets could eat it. Hmm. Maybe try fire crackers, it might make them move to a new neighborhood. Or try live traps baited with night crawlers. It's worth a try.

cheryl brown said...

we have an inside cat, she wont mouse at all. they are pretty bad back here, we live in the country with alot of wooded area around us. they have turned my flat yard into a bumpy lumpy mess. you can see everywhere they have been & made tunnels, there are trails of big mounds all over mine & the neighbors yards. it is pretty hard to mow the yard because of all the lumps & god forbid you walk out there when it is wet, you sink & it is spongy from them. ill have to do something in the spring, that is when they start their messes.

the guns in the ground didnt make them go away, i dont think firecrackers would work. (that guy is a moron, lol.) i dont want them dead, i just want them to go back to the woods where they belong, lol.

Jane said...

Cheryl, this sounds like something you might see in an old Elmer Fudd cartoon, but have you tried running a hose from the exhaust pipe of you car into the holes. I would imagine you would have to plug up as many holes as you can find. We don't have moles and I don't believe I've ever seen one but I hear they are a bitch, a lot of people and horses break legs because of them.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I found an inexpensive method to get rid of gophers. Pack of road flares, 5 gallon bucket, computer fan. Also known as pancake fans - get a cheap one battery powered or USB. Cut hole in bucket bottom for fan. Attach fan so it blows into the bucket. If using a plastic bucket, line the lip with foil so it won't melt. Place lit flare in gopher hole, bucket centered over flare with fan blowing down into bucket. This forces the smoke and co underground. You will eventually see smoke rise from other holes. That's how you know it's working. All for under $20 in materials.

Unknown said...

The key is forcing the smoke into the living areas. Gophers and moles have all kinds of tricks, with massive tunnel systems. Not only does this work, they don't seem to return to the area. I learned this from a college professor at an aggie school after trying just about everything else.

cheryl brown said...

Thank you Cardiff Giant76 :)