Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Land of the free sign on the open chicken coop. Har de har. I threw that thing away and it ended up there. Someone thinks they're funny. I left it. It is sort of funny.

            The whole set up is funny. I'm going for the total white trash look. I think I nailed it.

There's my big girl. She's been re-named Mama, Mama Cass and Cass Elliot. No shame, I was a fan. This poor chicken is so big she's handicapped. Never get a meat chicken for a pet. They are so fucked up from mass inbreeding, it's a heartbreak. She was supposed to get big and be dead at 6 weeks. Meat is produced fast. But, she caught a break. All she does is lay in the cool shade and eat. She waddles and has trouble walking. Sometimes I have to pick her up and put her back in because she just can't walk it. She can't fly like the others and has trouble with even a chicken ladder, so I put a big kennel on the ground for her. My mother says I should have her put to sleep (is that even a thing?), but, I say, she's happy. She's a very sweet girl who still likes to cuddle. I'm going to leave her alone and see what happens. As long as she's not in pain, she's cool. She's content in her fat clucky chicken way.

Poor Cass Elliot. She's always dirty, she can't clean herself like the others. I help her most days. Oh, and see that mess on that board? You should know, if you ever get chickens, they make messes. Not all the time, but, once or twice a day they poop like that and it is GROSS. It stinks too. I let it dry and use an old paint scraper, but, it's nasty. I found out why. They have two stomachs. The food goes in their craw (sp?) first. There it gets ground up by the gravel you feed them. Then most of it quickly passes to the first tummy which spits it out right away. That constant poop is dry and odorless, you can pick it up like nothing. But, some of it goes to the other tummy sack thing and sits and ferments. Yeah, ferments. That's where they get most of their real nutrients. Once or twice a day they have to empty this sack. It is a fucking trip. You don't want to be behind them when they do it. 'Specially one the size of this girl. OMG. It's great for the gardens though. That yellow thing hanging down is an actual chicken toy. The only commercial one I've ever found. You put seed in it and they peck it. They like it. I make them other toys though. They get bored easily, just like a puppy or kitten.

Cher, Cherrie, Sherry, has turned into a really pretty Rooster and yesterday he crowed for the first time. It was glorious. He did it again this morning. He does it about 3 or 4 times as the sun comes up and then he stops. I like Sherrie a lot, but, he's not the best Rooster. He's just bossy. Once in awhile he warns for predators, but, mostly he's just an asshole to the girls. He's young though, maybe he'll learn. Anyone have Rooster experience?

There's some regular chickens for comparison. Nice chickens. The one in back is Janet, she's real friendly and likes to be petted. They broke my Ike and Mamie plate there that I found on trash day. Split them right up. I had Jesus nailed up there too, but, they destroyed him. They must be Atheist chickens.

Baby Coon wants the camera. Baby Coon wants everything. He's becoming a real Raccoon, but, he still drinks from a ba ba. Little shit.

Oh, I forgot to show you that bird bath. See? It's a cherub fucking a fish. I think it's hilarious next to the white trash chicken pen. I have a good time out there. I laugh when people drive by and do a double take. Who gives a fuck? To top it off, I lost one of my front teeth today. I took a pic but, it's too embarrassing. Dential appointment Monday. I don't think they believed me. I have to be careful how I smile now, I look like a fucking hillbilly...or a Palin.


Dan Zinski said...

Teeth are proof that God doesn't exist. No God that cared about us would have given us such stupid things in our faces. Just ask George Washington.

Dirty Disher said...

I don't want wooden teeefs. OMG. I was just brushing my teeth and it popped out and clinked. It went down the drain. Fuck me. I guess it was just old. Old teefs. I am not looking forward to what's coming. I want drugs. I want good drugs.

Jane said...

Poor little chickie. It makes me feel bad that she has trouble moving. Maybe you can make a chicken wheelchair for her--from an old skate or something.
We need a pic of Jag next to the chicken condo so we can see how much he's grown.

My nephew came home last weekend for a couple of days. He's working in Burlington. He told me that Iowa was a very nice place and very clean. (We have pigs around here who just throw their garbage on the highways.)

Dirty Disher said...

Really, where's Burlington? I was thinking it was real close, but, that's Burlington Junction, (home of the alien bird sightings). I'm right in the SW corner. Oh, don't feel too bad for Cass, she's fine, except she does suffer in the heat. I'm thinking I should buy them a fan. I'll take more pics of Jag, little George Cooney tomarrow. I just wore him out playing out there. He was so cute.

Dan Zinski said...

I keep waiting for all my teeth to fall out. Or for cancer to kill me or some heart attack shit. But it never happens.

Anonymous said...

Not YET it hasn't happened, Melvin. I keep waiting and will wait until it does happen and then I won't even know.

Poor Cass. Just went the ground real well so she lay cool down. A fan probably would blow her feathers in her face.

Lord I love you! I look like a crack whore with missing teeth. I have dental insurance, but a fear of dentists. I lost a drown for one tooth, and then a bridge for 3, all upper. I was embarrassed but not now. It's been long enough that it no longer shocks me, and I don't smile in the mirror. Hell I hardly ever look in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

THAT'S white trash???? Looks very cool to me and I'm a snob. Overdecorated is white trash. OK, the cement porn is kitschy

Poor Cass though - any way you can curb her food intake? You know, in your spare time??? Ya I know that would be hard to do. And it might not help much since she's bred to pack on weight.

Anonymous said...

I've been listening to a lot of Jimmy Buffett lately - is that white trash? Or delusionally yearning to be 40 years younger or just southern ? (which I'm not)

Sometimes I wish I could tail you at garage sales - sounds like you come across a lot of good old stuff where you are if your chickens get vintage yard decor and all I find around here is melamine crap.

Dirty Disher said...

Melvin, I can't figure out if you're afraid of death or a bad death or both.

Border, gd it, I am not walking around like this forever. I can't stand it. It looks hideous and I avoid mirrors anyway. But, yesterday I noticed the new yard dude is missing a front tooth. Never noticed that, but, I did notice he's fucking hot. (And not a retard.)Oh well. I'd put the chicken fan on half the coop, so they could move if they didn't like it. I think I'll probably do that. I have to run the extensions again though. Pain in the ass.

Yes, snob, my whole place is white trash. It just is. It's the 3rd uglies house (s) in Guntown, which is pretty bad in general. Cass is bred to be like that, I doubt putting her on a diet would help. She's not just fat.

I wish you could go junking with me too. I do find the good shit, it's a gift. I just feel the need to go a certain place. Or I can drive by and know. I like some of Jimmy Buffet, but, not in general. Not a big fan. What are your fav songs by him?

Anonymous said...

I love your coop. It's very clean and cute looking, and I don't think the decorations are anything but interesting and very cool. My yard (front and back) are trashy looking, but I refuse to bust my buns trying to make them look good when my husband does nothing to help, and it would only make the sale price higher. If I don't do anything, it would be easier to cash him out, is what I really mean.
Your poor birdie Cass. They really do pack on the weight. The thing to watch out for is their legs, if I remember right. Because of all the extra weight, they tend to fracture leg bones, or maybe even dislocate hips. Most of them do not, of course, but yours will live longer than most. I hope she stays healthy and is able to tolerate the heat.
It's been hot here for this time of year. Upper 80's to 103 every day for the last week and a half to two weeks. I took a trip to the coast on Saturday, and it was 80's there. Absolutely beautiful. I was happy for the first time in over a year. I'm thinking of going back this week or maybe next. Just for a day, though. I need to be here for my animals.
Growing old is not for sissies. My teeth have remained in my mouth, for the most part, so far. I have lost a crown once, and had it put back on, and then broke a tooth on some overbaked mexican food at work once, but otherwise, they have all stayed put. My father-in-law used to have teeth fall out all the time. It was really strange. I just have so many more aches and pains than I ever used to have. I always think that I could get a lot done if there wasn't so much discomfort between me and the tasks.

Dirty Disher said...

Christina, I was waiting to hear from you, I knew you'd know something. I'll watch out for her, but, I wonder what to do if she does break a leg?? I couldn' know. I mean, if she wasn't mine and I didn't know her, I could, but, oh man. I do know her. She so sweet. I've had chickens before, but, I always had a zoo, so I never paid them much mind, not like now. It's personal. I guess when you have pets, you take it all on, right? I know. Akk. Taking on this Raccoon is a real worry in town. I'm still figuring that out. I will not cage him constantly or release him too soon, but, I know how bad it will get. Anyhow, I think you should get an animal babysitter and go to the coast for a whole weekend, get away. We all need it sometimes. I keep getting invited to the Ozarks, but, I can't leave or take this baby. I do plan to go sometime this Summer though. You just have to get away sometimes.

Dirty Disher said...

PS, you know chicken pens are always dirty. Chickens are fucking dirty, lol. My coon cage is always spotless, but, these chickens? Oh, geez.

Jane said...

Sounds like most of us are in the same age group---OLD! And, yes, getting old is not for sissies.

Pat, did you feel anything funny about your tooth? That sounds weird to me. Could it be part of a health problem?

Melvin, you can't ever check out. How would take your place? Nobody can comment like you---you brighten my day!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Jane - OLD. Feeling old sucks.

I"m just about to have a birthday and trying to figure out how to turn the idea into something I can stomach - like when it rolls around, can I summon an illusion to camoflage it, or try to ignore it? Tried that but driver's licenses expire on birthdays here and I could actually forget to renew it. Plus I'm trying to figure out how to act my age now that I've lost my partner who always 'thought he was still 18' as he used to say.
Jimmy Buffett:
Boat Drinks
Cowboy in the Jungle
anything that sounds like escape from the humdrum is my favourite